Friday, October 26, 2012

WS Game 2: Oh Dougie, My Dougie

Dougie Fresh pitched maybe one of the best games I've ever seen him pitch.  Two hits over six innings isn't too shabby.  Oh ya, he also took a line drive off his head and kept pitching.  Now, I don't endorse getting a concussion and continuing to play, but when your body is made of steel like Mr. Fister, then I say go for it!

One thing that isn't impressing is the Tigers' hitting.  Down two games heading home, some Tigers fans might be losing hope.  Not this Tiger fan.  Sanchez and SchEYEzer are up this weekend and they showed complete dominance in their games against the Yankees.  The Giants weren't exactly lighting up the bats either last night.  Stringing some hits together, equals runs.  That's all we need.  It also doesn't hurt to be going back to Detroit, where the Tigers are statistically better and the crowd will be behind them. 

Here's my task to you, loyal Tiger fans: Keep cheering.  Keep cheering until the last out of the elimination game.  Detroit in the World Series doesn't come around every year.  So don't take the situation for granted.  Don't count the Tigers out.  And please, don't bad mouth the Tigers.  I know we can do it!

Go Tigers!

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