Friday, October 19, 2012

Cue the Queen song

I know, I know.  You've all been dying to hear all about my experience and reaction to the past two days.  Well, let me tell you, it was a busy 30 hours or so.  Let's start at the beginning:

The rain delay that never was.  I was there people, the rain didn't even start falling until 9:45 and it was a sprinkle at most.  Most of the game could have been finished by the time the real "rain" came.  I have to confess something, on the drive back across the state after the game had been postponed, I really considered not going to back to the game on Thursday.  Boy am I glad I wised up!
The Tigress tried to take a nap during the delay

On Wednesday, I was looking a lot like Dougie Fister.  You know, so fresh and so clean.  Sister Tigress and I were interviewed several times (credit the Zubaz pants people).  As Friend Tiger said, "Any day you get on TV and not go to jail is a good day."  We also made friends with an enthusiastic gentleman who had the best "sweep" move I've ever seen, an older couple who was hoping for no rain because the woman was having surgery Thursday (you were there in spirit, Lady Tigress), and, oh ya, Jack Morris.  He was just bumming around HockeyTown like it was no big deal.  I ALMOST said hi to him.  It was fantastic.

While Wednesday was fun, the let down I felt after getting sent home on a "rain delay" was almost as bad as feeling a Tiger loss.  In my mind, Thursday was going to have to be awesome to make up for such a disappointment.

Well Thursday, you delivered!  From start to finish, the game was beyond words.  First, the 4 Tops sang the National Anthem.  I think they are in the top 5 of the best National Anthems I've ever heard.  They still got it.  Then, the first pitch was thrown.  To prep it, they showed a video of who was coming out to throw the pitch.  I knew right away who it was from the footage of Verdiggity throwing to a catcher in 2006.  Pudge Rodriguez!   So good to have him back in Detroit.  I have fond memories of watching him in the Home Run Derby in 2005 and he's a classy dude.

Some notes from the game:
  • There's a new nickname for the Yankees' first baseman: Teixeirable
  • New nickname for the Yankees' second baseman: Robinson Cannot
  • Best sign: I usually don't wear crowns, but when I do I wear 3.  Great parody on the Dos Equis commercials
  • I got back from the bathroom 5 seconds before Cabby hit his home run.  Good timing or greatest timing?
  • Made tons of friends at the game, except one lady who sat behind us for one inning.  She had no idea who anyone on the team was.  In the ninth inning she asked, "Who is pitching?"   I replied (after everyone else ignored her), "Phil Coke."  She said, "Who?  Bill Coke."   Get out of here lady!  You are ruining the best moment of my life!
  • Princey Pie's jumping at the end to call everyone off was so amazing.  These guys were acting like little boys and I was loving just being there.
Really, you can't plan to be at a game where the Tigers clinch the AL championship, especially by sweeping the Yankees.  It will probably not be done again in the same manner.  A home game, full of excited, dedicated fans who sat out a rain delay, all coming together to experience history.  It's giving me chills right now just thinking about it.

The team really came together last night and in this series, but I want to give out Tigress recognition awards to recognize specific individuals

Mr. Pinch Hitter: Avisail Garcia.  It's ridiculously difficult to come through in the clutch, especially when you are 21 and playing on the same team as a home country hero like Cabby.

Closing is like Breathing: Phil Coke.  From what I hear, closing is hard.  I'll admit that Philthy Phil gave me a mini heart attack in game 3, but other than that he was clutch.  Even going more than one inning, he got the job done.

Eye of the Tiger: Max SchEYEzer.  No hits through 5 2/3 innings and 10, count them, 10 strikeouts.  We gave him a huge ovation upon his exit as well.  Smokes also gave him a shout out at the end because of his personal situation this season, mainly, the death of his brother. Also, I thought I saw him wear goggles with two different colored lenses and Yahoo confirmed it for me today.  So funny.

Can every month be October? Delmon Young.  If we could just trade for him or sign him right before the trade deadline, that would be great.  He was a stellar hitter last year during the playoffs as well.  His behavior during the season, however, is not classy, no matter what the AL president says.

Whole bullpen: Guy Smyly and Dotel.  Seems like they were the few guys pitching this series besides Coke who were reliable (we won't speak of the two unmentionables).  I'm kind of surprised I didn't see more of Alburquerque and Porcello, but they will probably be needed against National League batters.

Strikeout Shop Quartet- Verdiggity, Dougie Fresh, Sanchez, and SchEYEzer.  No other starting rotation can compare.  No one!  The Yankees couldn't hit anything these guys were slinging.  Maybe the sports announcers out there will finally realize that the Tigers starting rotation had much more to do with the Tigers' victory than the "Yankee collapse."

October weather is just heating up: Jhonny Peralta.  Talk about getting hot in October.  Two home runs yesterday, super impressive.

One minor piece of misinformation yesterday.  Ilitch said that there weren't any "hot dogs" on the team.  Wrong-o Mikey! You forgot about Unmentionable Number One.

Smokes has a plan to keep the Tigers warm and their heads in the game.  While the Tigers were excited about last night's win, they seem collectedly focused that the goal was "Four more wins."  I'm with you boys!  There will be lots more analysis and getting ready for the series in the days to come.  Stay tuned Tigress fans!

1 comment:

  1. so much fun...ready to watch them take it all. GOOOOOOO TIGERS!!!!!
