Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What fans sound like

I managed to stay up until the bottom of the 8th inning last night.  Success!  Tiger loss.  Not success.  Get a W tonight boys, my internal clock is all thrown off.

Last night during the first inning, I got a little taste of what postseason baseball SHOULD sound like.  The Oakland fans are nuts.  They have cowbells, whistles, flags, elephant hats, and overall just a good time.  There were continual chants and cheering any time the A's were at bat, or a pitcher had two strikes on a Tiger.  That's how to cheer fans!  I'm way impressed.  When I was at game 2 on Sunday, I listened to dudes around me talking about the following things:
  • The Lions
  • Finance
  • Bench pressing
  • Whether BBoesch was in AAA
  • Some dude's company/work
I can guarentee no Oakland fans were having these conversations.  Those can be for the car ride home (although if you don't know that the AAA season is done, you probably shouldn't be at the game.  Do you have so much extra money to just throw at things that you are only partly interested in?  If so, throw so money at me.  I'm a great person to be partly interested it). 

WHEN the Tigers make it to the ALCS and I attend a game, I will make more a conscience effort to cheer more and encourage those around me to join in.  Although, I'm sure I annoyed people with my constant chanting of "Dougie Dougie Dougie!" and "Donnie Kelly!"  Annoying other people with your cheers are what the postseason is all about!!

On a side note, San Fran is lighting it up!  I missed the two games because of the time zone difference, but I don't think they were playing this kind of baseball in Cali.

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