Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So pumped

Tonight is the night!  Back to the World Series.  I have everything I need for a positive game time experience.  Chips.  Check.  Salsa.  Check.  Tigers hat.  Check.  Tigers bandanna on the dog.  Check.  Tickets to game four.  Check.

YUP!!!  You read that right!  I'll be there to see SchEYEzer take on Matt Cain for my second game four of the playoffs!  Just when I thought I'd have to sell my kidney on Ebay to pay for a ticket, my Tigress connections came through.  This should be a lesson to all organized sports teams.  To purchase tickets, you should have to write a 500 word essay on why the game is important to you.  Then people looking to make a quick buck won't take tickets away from true me!

Everything is coming up Tigress.  In fact, a Tiger win would really cap this day off the way it should be.

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