Monday, October 8, 2012

Assessing the situation

Since the Tigers are cruising into Oakland tomorrow for game 3 of the series, they have the day off.  Time to look around the playoffs and scope out the competition. 

First things first, there's two things I learned from watching the Princess Bride.  One, never start a land war in Asia.  Two, never play the Yankees in the playoffs.  They never panic.  The playoffs are just another day at the office.  The O's look panicky against them.  The play at the plate where Ichiro dodged the tag from Wieters was crazy.  No frenzy, just ninja-like qualities.

Second, the Cardinals are just as bad.  2006, they had the worst record of the playoff teams (never mind that Detroit had the second worst record).  They don't need any momentum coming in to the playoffs to get things done.  The best thing to happen would be for them to be eliminated...soon.

Third, rookies are great, but let's be honest...a little playoff experience goes a long way.  Bryce Harper had an amazing rookie season and graced the world with several surfer-boy quotes.  But, he's playing like a rookie.  This is the major league playoffs, son.  You can't expect the other team to make an error.  Errors only happen when you least expect it (except if you are playing the Braves.  Bam!  I went there).

To be honest, I haven't even seen a full game between the Giants and the Reds.  Come back to the Eastern Time Zone.  I need to scope you out!

I don't want to give away the game plan of the Tigers, but I'll tell you one thing:  they will take runs any way they can get them.  Sac fly from Donnie Kelly, "bunt" dribbler from Delmon, we'll take it!  Just don't kiss anymore balls!  Except off the field.  What you do on your own time isn't my business.

Tomorrow's game doesn't start until 9:07.  Rest up Tigers and Tigerettes!  We need you rested and ready to cheer!

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