Saturday, October 6, 2012

Avoid the card

First time a wild card "play in" was played.  Here's some advice for every other team in the future (especially the Tigers): Avoid the card!  That stuff is crazy!

In the NL, the umps make the NFL replacement referees look like seasoned professionals.  An infield fly call half way in the outfield when the shortstop is still charging?  I mean, COME ON!  But that's not what lost the game for the Braves.  It was their failure to get hits with runners in scoring position and their terrible defense.  So really, don't get mad at the umps.  Get mad at the Braves.  Still a terrible call though. 

As an aside, I love a good protest.  I was a site manager for a public university intramural sports program for years, and I used to love when disgruntled frat boys would yell, "I'm filing a protest!"  Your protest meant the same as the Braves' last night...absolutely squat.

What's a real shame is that the Braves fans acted like a bunch of petulant teenagers throwing a fit when things don't go their way.  And on Chipper's last game.  For shame!  Although he got a big ovation before his last at bat (an "infield hit", ya right.  Can we say redemption call?), he never got to bask in the glory of one last Turner Field crowd.  Instead, he hurried into the dugout to avoid falling debris.  Ridiculous. 

Then, over in the AL, the team that led the American League West for most of the season was out after one game.  That's the wild card folks!  I wouldn't want to play the O's right now.  I hope they take out the Yankees, and that somehow Thome becomes a Yankee killer and not a Tiger killer.

Now, onto the true postseason.  Go Tigers!

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