Thursday, October 11, 2012

Disappointment smells like potatoes

My little Tigress eyes couldn't stay open past the 7th inning.  I went to bed knowing it was 3-1 (some kind of scoreboard vision) and woke up assuming the Tigs had held on.  Caught SportsCenter and witnessed the meltdown known as Papa Potato, AKA Papa Grande, Papa Cheesecake, and Papa Poopyhead (that one came from Father Tiger.  Now you know where I get the humor from).  Sister Tigress sent me the following picture today (edited for innocent eyes):
Here's the thing JV, starting pitching has been lights out.  Verdiggity, Fister, Sanchez, and SchEYEzer have all done their job, or over and above their job.  The issue is Tiger offense and relief pitching.  Whenever I see old Unibrow going to the phone, a little part of me starts to panic.  The Tigers also had some ridiculous stat going into yesterday's game that the only earned run was Avila's home run.  Ridiculous.  You can't win postseason games with only starting pitching.  Throw these guys a bone!

But really, it isn't only Papa Potato's fault that the Tigers allowed three runs in the 9th.  It's also on Smokes.  Lots of people are clamoring for his dismissal today.  I've always been a Smokes fan.  He's old school and emotional and doesn't care if he answers questions with one word.  However, when a player is struggling, you gotta know when to pull the plug.  You don't keep a sliver in your finger hoping it will turn into a rainbow.  You yank that sucker out.  Valverde gives up a hit, you should be pulling him, IMMEDIATELY.

The truth though is even if JV goes 9 innings, he still needs some run support.  So brush off "Wonderboy" or rub a little pine tar on a tree branch.  Anything will work boys!  Now it's time for a Tigress cat nap so that tomorrow I don't have the same unattractive dark circles under my baseball eyes (maybe I can just pass it off as eye black...)

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