Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Will a Swiffer work?

Here's a fun fact:  the three other teams left in the postseason besides the Tigers have won the World Series that past three years.
2009- Yankees
2010- Giants
2011- Cardinals

It's time Tigers.  We have the longest drought and are the hungriest (or thirstiest if it's a drought) for the championship.

Obviously it was a very exciting 9th inning last night, but the Yankees (except Ichiro) couldn't touch JV.  Even though ARod didn't play, I think he got more screen time than half the Tiger lineup.  Here's a hint ARod, you've been benched.  Smiling and waving at the camera will do nothing to calm your critics.  I'm so glad he's not on My Team.  I mean...COME ON!

While Delmon may be the most effective hitter of the playoffs, Garcia is the most clutch.  He is a pinch hitting machine.  Rare talent, my man.  Hold onto that when we play the National League team in the World Series.

Tonight, I head to Comerica to hopefully watch a Tiger sweep of the Yankees, just like in the 2006 ALDS when I witnessed the Tigers kick the Yankees out of the postseason.  This time, I'm staying for the party!  I plan tell these announcers that 50 degrees is not cold.  Just wait another week and see how cold it gets.

Joey G is full of excuses.  "The ball didn't carry tonight."  All I hear is "Wah wah wah."  SchEYEzer is pitching tonight.  A strikeout pitcher against a team that has been striking out.  I doubt I will breathe until we get that final out in the 9th.  Go Tigers!

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