Saturday, April 28, 2012

Guy Smyly

Lots to be excited about after this win against the Yankees.

1. Shout Out- Dirks, in his first career at bat against the Yankees (or in Yankee Stadium, can't remember), hits a 3 run home run.  He also had two great catches in left.  Smyly could be heard saying, "Delmon who?"

2. Dombrowski was shown several times wearing a very classy Cosby sweater talking about Delmon Young.  What is this, 1985?

3. What did Cabby say to ARod when he hit that dinger?  My guess is, "I'm coming for you."

4. Cabby and Prince have a pretty sweet handshake going on.  It's like they are a part of the cool kids club.  Donny Kelly could be seen in the background trying to mimic the motions.

5. Cabby also has the sweet new "do", a fade.  I'm thinking this can only help his average.

6. Smyly gets a big head nod for his first MLB win.  His parents were in attendance to witness.  I'm pretty sure Mr. Smyly walked out while Valverde was pitching so he wouldn't have to watch that train wreck mess up his son's first win.

7. Come on!  A guy at the bar booed when Kelly caught the final out in right field.  I turned around and said, "Get out of here."  Seriously.  His response, "Papa Grande (hate that nickname) is the worse closer in the league."  That may be true, but you have to be a pretty dirty person to cheer for the Yankees.

8.  One more thing about Cabby.  He ALWAYS calls for his own appeals.  Rod's hypothesis is that he's friends with the umps down at 1st (since he no longer plays there) and thinks they have his best interest at heart.  It can't be that he thinks they have a better view...

A win tomorrow takes the series too.  Against the Yankees (against any team at this point), that's golden.

1 comment:

  1. So many fabulous things about a win over The Hated Yankees...the B team's ready to go today but I have faith.
