Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Which shout-out?

So many choices, only one shout-out:

1. Jacksonville has got on base in the first 10 games.  This is good for anyone, but for him, this is epic.

2. JV got the W (when is he going to get run support or someone to come in for the 8th or 9th inning?)

3. Man in tiger costume behind home plate almost got it, but he left in the 7th inning.

4. In-Gee got his first hit of the year...a home run!

5. Royal's Gordon did a face plant...so funny and looked pretty painful.

But the player who deserves the Shout-Out today is

Chin strap himself, Silent J, little Jhonny boy.  He's hit 6 doubles in the first 10 games....that's right.  Some players don't hit that in the whole season!  He may also be a candidate for the number 2 spot in the line up, I'm still looking.

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