Wednesday, April 4, 2012

1 more day: MY TIGER!

There's magic in the air this day
Baseball in the air
Detroit is at her best, you know
When people cheer and Tigers sweep
The promise of excitement is one the night will keep
After all, there's only one more sleep til Opening Day!

If you don't know what what this song is from, I suggest you get a new tradition for your Christmas Eve. 
Opening Day Eve is much like Christmas Eve. 

Children nestle all snug in their beds (they still need long johns in April don't you know) while visions of Cracker Jacks dance in their heads. 
And I in my Tiger hat and the dog in his babushka, had just settled down for a chilly spring nap. 
When out on the lawn there arose such a fuss
I sprang to the window and saw the Tiger bus!
When, what to my Tigress eyes should appear,
but MY TIGER and Prince Fielder (he gives the other guys horsey rides sometimes).
With a trade from Seattle, he's the top of my list-er
I knew in a moment, My Tiger is Doug Fister!
You're welcome Dougie Fresh.  I'm hoping you can also teach me how to Dougie.

That's right sports fans, My Tiger this year is Doug Fister!  As mentioned before, he beat out Peralta, Santiago, and Avila for the coveted spot.  It's definitely a risk with him being a starting pitcher, but I'm just the sort of fan to take that challenge.  So far, none of the stores around here have had Fister shirts (a shame really, think of all the money they are missing out on) so I'll have to get one when I go to the game next week.

To all you fans going to the game, be safe, don't do anything I wouldn't do, and cheer those Tigs to victory!  Bring your rally caps and your Tiger's Opening Day in Detroit!

1 more day...

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so, so happy. Doug Fister is a GREAT choice. I hope I'm able to sleep tonight with all the excitement. GO TIGERS!
