Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Some of the Tigers' promotions to get you to go to games are awesome and some are not so awesome.  Here's a run down of the top five from each category.

Top Five:
1. On-Field Photo Day (Sun May 6)- This was later in the year last year, but word on the street is that it's awesome.  You get to take pictures with players on the field.  How could it get better!  It's a personalized keepsake.
2. Alex Avila Floppy Hat (Mon July 2)- I'm down for any floppy hat situation, especially when you combine it with my runner up for My Tiger.
3. Star Wars/Tigers Fathead (Sat June 2)- There's no picture, but how could this not be awesome!  Is it Luke Skywalker with a Tiger hat?  Paws with a light saber?  Only time will tell.
4. Shirt off our back giveaway (Sun Sept 23)- I've never been to one of these days, but while the chances would be slim that you would get a jersey...think of if you did!  It would be worth it just to go and give it a chance.  Then you'd have a Tiger jersey AND the sweat still lingering in the fibers.
5. Red, White, and Blue cap (Wed July 4)- Another sweet hat.  Whenever you can get a "free" hat, I'm usually in.

Top Two "Days"
1. Polish American Night (Friday June 1)- The best day of the year as far as I'm concerned.  Small children dancing on the field, polka bands, polish sausage, fireworks at the end to polka, and the occasional polka dancers.  If you aren't sold, I don't know what else you could ask for.
2. Zubazpalooza II (Monday August 6)- I just heard about this but the item is awesome and you get to go to a pre-party at Hockeytown.  Every cool kid will have these soon.

Not Five
1. Weather Day (Wed May 2)- Really...a whole day for weather?  Weather gets a day every time there's a rain out.
2. Career Day (Thur May 17)- The answer of any young person to the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" should be "baseball player."  End of story.  Career day should only take about 2 minutes then.
3. Detroit Tigers Paws Mask (Thur June 7)- I'm not anti-mascot.  I'm just not crazy about them.  They distract from the game and frankly are a little scary.  So to see 5,000 small children with Paws masks on might be my worst nightmare.
4. Country Night (Friday July 6)- Again, not anti-country, but I like country like I like my tequila...in small doses.  A whole night of country?  No thanks.
5. Replica Jose Valverde Glasses (Sun August 5)- Part of me is just mad this is a "kids" giveaway day.  I'm not a huge Valverde fan, but think of all the sweet dance/celebration moves you could do with those glasses on!  Here's a tip though on kids' giveaway days.  Walk around the stadium after the game to look for the items...OR sit next to kids who are rooting for the other team!  That's how I scored one of my small friends a Paws lunchbox last year.

Which days are you going to?


  1. On Field Photo day IS amazing...that's where I met BBoesch.

    Polish America Night rocks my world. Don't get the freebies this year, but will still be a good time.

    No bobbleheads this year? They've really skimped out on these over the past few years.

    I invented stealing kid items.

    1. There are bobbleheads, AJ and Prince. It's been done though. I like when they keep things fresh.
