Monday, April 9, 2012

Broom city

I think there are few things as satisfying as a sweep of the Red Sox in the first series of the season.  Unfortunately, I was only able to watch one game (when Cousin Tigress and I found it on TV, she shouted, "This calls for a beer!"), but I followed the others on my smart phone...thank goodness for technology.

April is always a tricky month because seemingly great teams can stumble and otherwise average teams can soar (Baltimore last year anyone?).  Regardless, I'll take a hot start any day and just hope the Tigs can keep it up.  Here are some things I'm excited about after watching the first 3 games of the season:

1. Austin Jackson- Earlier I commented that Jacksonville had changed his stance and was hoping for less strikeouts and a more productive swing.  I think in the first 3 games he's off to a good start (the skepticism remains in my eyes though).  He had 8 hits, 5 runs, and 2 walks!  In one series!  The best news, no home runs.  Bear with me.  Jacksonville is not a home run hitter.  It's not the best way to utilize his speed or approach at the plate.  So the fact that he isn't already trying to swing for the fences is a good sign.

2. Justin Verlander- 8 innings, 2 hits, 1 walk.  If Leyland had kept him in, he'd have a W too.

3. Duane Below- Lookout was not even suppose to be on the roster this weekend.  A series of other injuries put him in the bigs for his first opening series.  I doubt that he thought he'd be paying a major role against the Sox, but he definitely held his own.  2 2/3 innings over 2 games, 3 strikeouts, 0 walks, and only 1 hit.  Pretty good young fella.  Somebody must like his digs in D-Town better than in Toledo.

4. Alex Avila- Somebody is mad that he lost to Fister (in truth, the voting was so close between Fister and Avila that a coin flip determined My Tiger).  I will take him as my runner up though.  5 hits, 2 home runs, 2 walks, and 5 RBIs.  Good start to the spring.

5. The Bash Brothers (you know this is only a matter of time before people pick up on that one)- Everyone was waiting for this one.  Prince and Cabrera.  Tons of hype.  I feel like they lived up to it.  Good weekend boys!

Now, some disappointments this weekend too.  Good news, it's only April 9th, lots of time for change:

1. Doug Fister- His performance wasn't terrible (although I happened to catch this game on TV and his control looked a little shaky), but the injury is definitely disappointing.  Only time will tell how serious it is.  When he first left the game, my initial thought was an oblique injury and I know those can be pretty persistent without rest.  Right now, Fister is reporting "tightness and soreness"...not good signs.  I expected him to really settle in mid-May and hit his stride.  I think back to last year where he tore it up after the All Star game.  I'd take that again.  We have to get him healthy first though.

2. Brennan Boesch-  He only had two hits the whole series, but that's not why he's a disappointment.  I expect him to get back into things and get used to playing again soon enough.  It's disappointing that BBoesch is hitting in the number 2 spot.  I don't think it's the right place for him!  Personally, I think Santiago or Peralta would be much more appropriate.  2nd spot is supposed to move the runner or get on base somehow.  That's not BBoesch.

3.  Leyland's "strategy"- I guess I'm not a major league manager.  That's the only explanation as to why I do not understand why Leyland insists on putting in "defensive" replacements into a game in the 8th and 9th inning.  Leyland wants all the guys involved, wants them all in the games.  Fine.  So pick a game that Danny and Donny (you know, two of the guys from NKOTB) can play the whole game.  Putting them in for the 9th is benefiting no one.  In reality, I think Leyland is a National League manager who tries to play the game that way.  Well, this is the AL and no one else is playing that way.  Man up!

Next series should be good.  Rays just swept the Yankees, Tigs just swept the Sox.  Verlander pitches again on Wednesday!  Get geeked.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, BBoesch was a little disappointing. He just needed one hit to get going. Batting second may not be his style, good point.

    Also, as much as Jim Leyland drives me bananas with his managing - he somehow figures out how to get 'er done.

    Bash Brothers - love. So happy to have Fielder in a Tigers uniform!
