Friday, April 27, 2012

Jerk award

In school, they teach you to learn from others' mistakes.  Delmon Young was absent that day.  Cabrera gets a DUI, disgraces the Tigers, and faces legal charges.  Delmon goes out to celebrate (whoops, I mean mourn) the loss of In-Gee and gets in an altercation that results in some anti-Semitic remarks.  Basically, he said, "I see your drunken escapades Miguel, and I raise you a hate crime."  It's no surprise that Delmon has some anger management problems (remember the bat?  Remember, remember the bat that hit the umpire).  So, unfortunately, a new feature:

The Jerk Award (you can buy them at the Jerk Store):  Congrats Delmon for the inaugural award, you are a disgrace when the Tigers are struggling.  Should have been working on your fielding instead of partying.


  1. I like this Eldred guy they brought up who HITS the ball

    1. Well, time will tell. We all know players who start off really hot out of the minors (Shelton, BBoesch) and then have a hard time picking it back up.
