Monday, April 23, 2012

Then this happened

Yesterday I commented on how polarizing In-Gee is as a player.  I found this video posted on Facebook today by a fellow fan:

That's right, they wrote a song about sending him down to Toledo.  As far as I know, no other Tiger has achieved that feat.  One of my other FB friends also had an In-Gee rant today.  He's a sports reporter in Nevada, so I give him more credit than most other people on FB who rant.  I'll paraphrase what he said because there were definitely some swears in there...but basically he was hoping for In-Gee to announce his retirement because Leyland and Dombrowski won't bench or release him.  Listen up Tiger fans, he's not going anywhere.  If someone was paying you millions of dollars to do a job poorly, would you retire to appease some fans or just keep doing your job and cashing your paychecks?  That's what I thought.  In-Gee has also been a staple in D-Town and done great things for the community.  There's a possibility he will return in some facet to the game, whether in Detroit or not.  I say we deal with him for the rest of this year (a journey down I-75 isn't out of the question if he really can't get his average to .225) and then part ways (or join forces).  Let's not fight Tiger nation!  Give peace a chance.  I don't have high hopes, nor should you, but fighting will solve nothing.

Also an article on the state of where Tiger Stadium used to stand.  I can't see the city of Detroit letting this happen much longer after this (and the fanfare surrounding Fenway this year).

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