Sunday, April 22, 2012


Well, it was a lovely Sunday afternoon at the ballpark...except for that elusive W that the Tigress has yet to see in person this year.  Don't worry though, it's not me, it's the Tigers.  They are the ones not getting hits.  Time for a little recap.

I've posted about Cheli's a couple times, but today we went to Hockeytown and it was actually pretty sweet.  It didn't hurt that our waitress was hilarious and we were the first people in the restaurant.  However, a bartender there has inspired a new feature about ridiculous people who THINK they know about the Tiger or just general ridiculousness from fans (it's different from Banana Sandwich).  It's called...
COME ON!  Today's COME ON is the bartender at Hockeytown who asked a small child, "Who is your favorite Tiger?"  That's not what the slogan is!  It's "Who's your Tiger?"  Come on...

Our seats were sweet, right behind home plate and the Tiger's on deck circle.
Trust me, they were primo seats.  Stafford also threw out the first pitch and then sat one section over from us!
At one point, Chris Chelios came over and sat next to him.  There was an usher who was keeping people away, which I understand.  Then, two little boys came up and Stafford let them have some autographs, which was awesome.  Sister Tigress and I kept waving at him, and we clapped when he signed the autographs for the little kids.  We also definitely locked eyes.

Another funny thing about today was watching Trevor Thompson do his Tigers Live piece.  As a "warm up" he said "How now brown cow."  It was clever.

Now for the actual game.  Santiago hit a lead off triple and then there were 2 consecutive outs.  I was about to go Banana Sandwich, but then the Rangers helped us out with a past ball.  I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.  I'll gladly take runs wherever we can get them.

Guy Smyly was on today.  Sister Tigress did figure out that his name might be more fun to be pronounced Smy-LIE...emphasis on the 'lie.'  Again though, no run support unfortunately.

The Shout Out today goes to Avila though.  He had two put outs at second.  That will show the Rangers they can't steal on us!  (except of course when G-Money is behind the dish, he's terrible at throwing to second)

For some reason, Jimmy Smokes took out Kelly (who comes to bat to Kings of Leon!) and put in In-Gee.  This is his be the most polarizing player on the Tigers.  People are either booing loudly or cheering.  There is NO in between.  It's crazy.  The winners today were the people who were booing though.  Keep cheering people, your day will come too.

Jimmy Smokes also was prepared to get thrown out.  I think when he disagrees, he just thinks, well if I'm going to make a scene, then I might as well make a big one.  I love when Smokes gets thrown out.  He really goes for it.  I think he had a right to argue today.  Watching replays, something wasn't quite right with that bunt.

All in all, a good day.  I even found the magnet photo frame that a small child left behind.  Score!

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