Thursday, April 19, 2012

Banana sandwich

It's April and the new features keep coming!  Good news, the Tigers swept the ever lackluster Royals.  After watching the Tigers for the past 20 years, I'm used to a certain level of ridiculousness, but some things the Tigers do drive me BANANA SANDWICH.  Thus was born the new Tigress feature:

Banana Sandwich: Anytime the Tigers have a man on third with no outs and don't score, I'm irritated.  When the Tigers load the bases with no outs and don't score, it drives me Banana Sandwich.  A long fly ball?  A walk?  Heaven forbid a base hit?  No, just three consecutive outs.

The bats were a little cold this past series, but the Rangers are up next.  It's fine to squeak by against the Royals, but I can guarantee they won't be able to do that with the Rangers.  They are too good of a team.  We can't rely on starting pitchers to carry us through the whole game.  We need run support and hits...let's see it!

1 comment:

  1. Bases loaded NO OUTS - unacceptable to leave them loaded without scoring. I agree. You are big league players. SAC FLY!
