Saturday, April 14, 2012

Breaking the bad news

To be honest, this is my first Tiger game I'm watching on FSN Detroit this year.  I'm pretty happy about that.  Unfortunately, the Tigs are having a little trouble with their bats.  In fact, Austin Jackson stretched a pretty standard single into a double because he's tired of BBoesch hitting into double plays behind him (get the hint Jimmy Smokes, find a new number 2 hitter).  I have missed Rod and Mario and their silly banter during the game.  We here at the Tigress (again, just me and the kitty) are instituting a new feature of the Detroit Tigress blog: Gem of the Day.  This will be anything ridiculous or awesome that Rod or Mario (let's be honest, 9 times out of 10 it will be Rod) say during the game.

Gem of the Day: Rod and Mario had a lengthy discussion about Tom Brookens "fit figure" and his wardrobe.  According to Rod, "If you keep something in your closet long enough, it will come back in style."  Thanks for the tip Rod!  I wonder if he was talking about the glasses or the stache.

So, I work in a female dominated work-place.  On Friday at lunch, I was having a discussion with said female coworkers about the Tigers.  One lady said, "Tigress, who is your Tiger?"  My response was to take off my fleece jacket and flash the back of the shirt I was wearing:
"Fisher?" Says a non-fan.  That's ok, I don't blame her.  Maybe I can help spread the Fister magic.  Then, I asked who their Tigers were.  No one had a response except the lady sitting next to me who confidently said, "Clete Thomas.  Has been for years.  He's cute."  Oh no, I thought (don't you love my internal dialogue?).  There's no easy way to tell her the bad news.  In fact, I had a counseling/ethics class in college where I was taught HOW to break the bad news.  BUT, that all knowledge went out the window and I blurted out "Too bad!  He's going to be designated for assignment!"  Whoopsies.  But really, with the stock of great Tiger players this year, she shouldn't have any difficulty finding a replacement for Clete. 

In theory, Clete should be a great baseball player...because of his name.  But he's always been "Or Clete Thomas."  He's an afterthought.  What I mean is, "Who is going to be the fourth outfielder?"

Guy 1: "Andy Dirks"
Guy 2: "Or Clete Thomas"
Guy 1: "Donny Kelly"
Guy 2: "Or Clete Thomas"
Guy 1: "Ryan Raburn"
Guy 2: "Or Clete Thomas"

He was just never a permanent fixture in Detroit and the love of Guy 2 just couldn't keep him around long enough to make a name for himself.  Good luck with the Twins, Clete.  I hope you get rid of that "or" before your's really killing your chances of ever staying with a major league club.

1 comment:

  1. I did not hear this Rod/Mario banter today but they are hilarious. My favorite so far this year is that Jackson/Boesch need to "set the table so the big fellas can eat." Oh man...hope the Tigs take one from the stinky sox tomorrow...
