Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sad Kitty

Yesterday at Polish American Night was one of the most fun times I've ever had at a Tigers game.  Sitting in left field (almost center) under the score board gives a whole new perspective to watching the game, and I felt like I saw the ball better coming off the bat.  I would definitely sit back there again.  Of course, former Tiger, Curtis Granderson, had to hit a grand slam and ruin a great PAN.  Here's what Father Tiger was sporting at the game:

So tomorrow is the day that Magglio Ordonez officially announces his retirement.  His 2006 home run is forever imprinted on my mind.  It's one of those questions Detroit fans ask each other...where were you when he hit that homer?  And people are able to tell you.  I was at my friend's house, wearing Tiger ears, having just come home from the bar.  I mean, look how excited Pudge is below!
Yesterday at the Detroit Tiger team store, there were Ordonez shirts on clearance. I went to purchase one so I can pay tribute to the man.  This is the part of story from yesterday where I also schooled some people about things that have been happening with the Tigers.  I pointed a man and his wife over to the clearance rack because they were going to the game on Sunday, yet had NO IDEA that a tribute was going to happen.  They also didn't know who was pitching, that Suckburn went down to AAA, and who the heck Berry and Santos were.  COME ON!  I told the lady working at the door, "Those people didn't know anything!"  She just laughed at me.

Because of his greatness, I named my cat Magglio the summer following the 2006 home run.  This past year, when Mags wasn't going to return to the Tigers, I asked if he wanted a new name.  Maybe Miguel, or Prince, or Jackson?  No he said. I like my name.  I think he made a good choice.  Mags is a weird kitty.  He recently found an IPod cover and started throwing it around and chewing it up.  So Mags wanted to show a couple of his best moments in honor of his namesake's retirement.
Look how sad that kitty looks in the last picture!  His eyes say, I'll miss you Ordonez, but thanks for the memories.  I agree kitty.

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