Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Not FSN Reporter

I think it's clear that I have an affinity for Rario.  They are a great broadcasting duo.  For every bit that Rod is ridiculous, Mario is there to balance him out with his sensibility.  Then, when Mario is feeling goofy, Rod just laughs and acts like the one with his wits about him.

The FSN Detroit group in general is pretty solid.  Ryan Field delivers some interesting on field reporting, Trevor Thompson quoted Anchorman during his warm ups, and John Keating is THE man.  There's only one weak link.  The Suckburn of the FSN Detroit group if you will.  That person is Shannon Hogan.

In general, she talks too loud, but it's not really her fault the quality of stuff she's given to report on.  However, her overall delivery and enthusiasm for strange things is what's really troublesome.  On Friday night, Shannon was assigned the task of peeking in on a guy who was proposing to his girlfriend.  This isn't the first time this has ever happened in the history of sports.  It happens more frequently than it should actually (I can't imagine anything less romantic than getting engaged in front of 40,000 people, but hey to each his own).  Shannon was FAR too excited about the whole ordeal though.  She said something to the effect of, "Ever since I started working here 5 years ago, I've waited for this moment."  Really?  Not a World Series win?  Not a walk off home run in the 9th to win an ALCS?  Nope.  A proposal.  In fact, Shannon tried to get two other people to get engaged earlier in the year and made it awkward sandwich for the poor couple that had only been dating for 2 years.  Don't force this on people Shannon! 

It's this that makes Shannon My Not FSN Reporter.  Although maybe now that she's seen a proposal, she'll stop freaking out.

Go Tigers, take the series today!


  1. Well, I don't judge people on appearances, but if they are just looking for eye candy then they already have the FSN girls. They are a totally different rant though.
