Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dream Job

Sister Tigress made the following Facebook post today:

while I enjoy summer, I'm glad my occupation is not "mascot for a professional outdoor sporting team" because that would suck today

This got me thinking about my dream job, which I've thought about before this day.  No, it's not being a mascot.  It's being a bullpen catcher.  Is there anything as sweet as being a bullpen catcher?  Little to no responsibility, get to travel the states, get to hang out with the team, work for 3-4 hours each day.  Sign me up!  Of course, professional blogger is probably more in my talent realm, but no one said you had to be talented to be a bullpen catcher.
Go Tigs!  Beat the Cards.  I'd gladly be the bullpen catcher for Ricky P any day of the week.

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