Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bboesch: Campaign for Lead Tiger

Bboesch is officially throwing his name into the ring for the Lead Tiger role (team captain if you will).  He's trying to impress all the fans in Wrigleyville by putting on a clinic in both hitting and fielding (ya right).  Surprisingly, I couldn't find a picture of Bboesch's amazing, diving catch, but I could find a picture of him bobbling a ball earlier in the game.
The hilarious thing about his diving catch was that he stayed on the ground for a full minute.  Bboesch was soaking it in.  I'm sure he was thinking, "So this is what AJacks feels like when he makes an amazing catch!"

Bboesch's real skills lay in his hitting abilities.  He's finally getting "warmed up" as Sister Tigress would say.  After his dinger, Bboesch was so excited that he tried to make up his own little handshake with Cabby and become part of the Bash Brothers.  Kind of like when Kenny Wu became the third Bash Brother (Wu Wu Wu, Kenny Wu).  Pictorial evidence below:
BBoesch: (internal dialogue)- Man I am so cool!  I'm in.  Wu Wu WU!
Cabby: (internal dialogue)- What's this kid doing?

My advice to Bboesch, don't try and join the Bash Brothers.  Make your own posse.  Tigerberry is DYING to be part of a posse too.  You guys could be the three amigos (AJacks has to agree), or the three Tigerteers, or Jem and the Holograms (just throwing that one out there).
All while this was happening, Soft J was quietly putting together a nice game as well.  He was 3-4 with a double and triple!  He's not flashy though.  He's more of a silent leader.
I'm so glad he was able to put together a good game after his AWFUL fielding day yesterday.  If these two boys can stay hot, the Tigers can only do great things.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, start your own posse...this is a great example of how you pick My Tiger and stick with him through thick and thin. Verlander gets the win today and they come home to crush the Rockies.
