Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why not?

A quick word to soft friend Jhonny.  Congrats on the twin girls, welcome back, good job hitting better in the month of June, but you need to spend some time on the field this week taking some grounders.  At this point, I'm really glad you aren't My Tiger, because I'd be getting a lot of crap right now from my fellow Tiger fans.  AJacks on the other hand, is so clutch despite not winning the title of My Tiger.  I'll make him my backup since Fister has been less than healthy.

Good, I'm glad that's off my chest.  Now, on to my actual point today.

Can we give Danny Worth a solid chance at playing 2nd base everyday?  I mean, why not?  His fielding is the best out of the 10 (OK, probably more like 4) 2nd basemen on the team.  He certainly has more consistent throws to 1st than Jhonny.  That's not saying much though.  His hitting has started up, which is happening for a lot of other Tigers too.  So, come on, let's give him a chance!  I know I was just clamoring for Tigerberry to get the job, but with Dirks being unhealthy and the strong possibility of a Delmon trade (you know they are thinking it), we probably need him for outfield.

One more piece of logic for you.  Mario hates country music.  Ipso facto, he hates Ryan Raburn.

1 comment:

  1. Great use of "ipso facto" and you're right...little Jimmy Jackson...
