Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hello new friend

The Tigers are licking their wounds.  Fister, Martinez, Alburquerque, Dirks, AJacks, Avila always seems to be on the brink.  It's probably easier to list who is healthy than on the DL.  So with every new injury (or in the case of Suckburn, demotion) comes a new face to Detroit.  The boys are told to pack their bags and take the journey up I75 to D-town, leaving behind their comfy beds in Toledo to possibly live out of a suitcase for months at a time.  Sometimes they come and go so quickly (where did you go Eldred?) or sometimes they linger (yes, Danny Worth is still on the team).  Poor Omir Santos has been up and down I75 so many times that he has rated the rest stops along the way and times his drives to only use the best bathroom facilities.

Let's take a look at the new face in the club house today:  Matthew E. Young...or Matt-E
Not a looker ladies (although I just saw a shot of SchEYEzer with some facial hair growing in and this guy is looking better already).
He's played 20 games in the majors (all with Atlanta) and 899 in the minors.  Minor career average of .285 and OBP of .390, which is why Rod claims he was batting 2nd tonight.  Really?  We can't give the new kid a break and find someone who might actually get a hit to be in the 2nd spot?

He's 29, pushing 30, which is Old (with a capital O) for the minors.  From what I can see, he's a warm body, who is a decent outfielder (better than the other Young on the team), and will probably be sent directly to jail, do not pass Go, once Dirty Dirks gets healthy.  Especially with Tigerberry (or Q for you RAllen fans)  looking for an outfield spot, I just don't see this guy sticking.  But, I'll say this with all my Mud Hen friends, prove me wrong kid (or in this case, dad).

On a side note, this is the quote I found in a Detroit paper about Suckburn:
According to the Toledo Blade, he was cheered loudly upon his introduction for his first at-bat, and then he grounded into a double play. He finished 0-for-3 with a strikeout, walk and a run.

That will teach you Mud Hen fans.  Don't cheer him!  He does his best work when people despise him.

1 comment:

  1. It's true...the more you hate him, the more he tries to prove you wrong. Tigers need some dubyas...
