Thursday, August 30, 2012


There was a very nice piece on Tigers Live today about a young man who has cancer and got the chance to come to Comerica and play catch with His Tiger, Alex Avila.  The whole segment was nice, meant to make emotional people cry.  Avila took the kid around and introduced him to some of the other players and coaches.  What made me laugh was Smokes coming up to the kid and saying, "I'm Jim Leyland.  I'm the manager."

Now, there are few people who don't have to announce their jobs to fans or just any person in the know.  Here are some other examples:
"Hi, I'm Barack Obama.  I'm the president of the United States of America."
"Hi, I'm Mick Jagger.  I'm the lead singer for the Rolling Stones."
"Hi, I'm Michael Jordan, His Airness.  I used to play basketball."

So, Smokes, we know you are the manager.  I'd say 90% of people in Michigan know who you are.  If there's a kid whose dream is to play catch with Avila, then he knows who you are.

Side notes:
  • AJacks is doing amazing.  So amazing, that OTHER people outside of D-Town are starting to notice.  Keep it up kid.
  • I had to sit through 8 hours of "professional development" today and one of the talks was on cancer (spoiler alert: it's not going away).  One of the tips was for men to eat tomatoes to help prevent prostate cancer.  I turned to Colleague Tigress and said, "That's what I've been telling Justin!"  There was some confusion about who Justin was, especially when it was discovered that I don't actually know him but am just preaching to him in a blog.  That's normal, right?
  • Avila's voice is deep.  Is there a hormone that links large vocal folds (=low voice) with the ability to grow a beard in 2 hours?  I think so.
  • Dougie Fresh pitches tomorrow.  Yay!  Not only that, but the three strongest Tiger pitchers (in my opinion, which is all that matters) pitch against the Sox this weekend.  Let's bring it boys!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tigers,
    Please play your best ball this weekend and beat the Sox.
    Sister Tigress
