Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy 100!

Guess what?  This is post number 100!  Can't believe it!  The memories have been outstanding.  Remember that one time when I made that comment about Rario?  What about that ONE time that Smokes got thrown out?  Or Papa Potato almost lost the game for us?  Ya, I remember those too.

Now to a darker subject: Hazing.  The aforementioned Potato initiates people into the bullpen by making them smell ammonia right before the game.  Which, come on, seems like a GREAT idea.  The most recent victim of Potato's shenanigans was Drew Smyly.  Seems like a great idea to me!  I mean, he is a long inning reliever, so if he was needed, it'd probably be right at the beginning of the game anyway.  Smyly said his eyes only watered for the first inning or so.  Great. 

I'm all for harmless hazing though.  In fact, when they prepped the story, I was intrigued and kept watching Tigers Live even though My Not FSN Reporter was presenting the story.  In fact, I thought it was hilarious when relievers had to carry the Hello Kitty backpack.  Here's Wilk below working it:
I distinctly remember Alburquerque (who is doing well in rehab) carrying it around, but all I could find was him with this sassy tiger one.
In fact, they must buy new styles every year, because here is Downs carrying one in July of this year.  Could be the plastic-like material popular with the K-2 set that easily tears, but we can't be sure of the change.  Maybe they just like to spice it up.
Speaking of backpacks, it's back to school for the kiddies, which can only mean one thing...the season is quickly drawing to a close.  The boys of summer only have a month left of regular season.  Crunch time folks.  There's nothing I like better than sipping pumpkin beverages (coffee or ales are the choice of every Tigress) and watching the Tigers.  Let's make it happen!

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