Sunday, August 19, 2012

Guest bloggess

Just like any mother, sometimes it's nice to pass the baby off for a weekend and let someone else do the writing.  Today, we have Sister Tigress chiming in about her adventure to Comerica yesterday.  Any comments I deem appropriate are in brackets.

Sister Tigress here.  I ventured to a game without The Tigress yesterday and was awarded [rewarded, you didn't win anything] a guest spot on the blog.  I’m so nervous. [She should be]  However, I’m sure I’ll perform better than C-Mo when given the spotlight so that reassures me slightly. [Just look at the correct camera and you'll be fine]
We live just over 2 hours from the ballpark.  Going to a game is an event.  I wear Tiger apparel frequently so it’d be hard to tell whether I was dressed to go to a game or sit at home and watch.
Yesterday was a special event.  With 15 other people I boarded a bus to drive us to Comerica Park to watch the Tigers battle the Orioles.  Prior to departure I stopped at the gas station to get some bottles of water.  The attendant said, “Headed to the Tigers game today, maybe?”  Why, yes, I absolutely am.  Assess the situation…BBoesch teeshirt and jeans – fairly standard.  Must have been the three giant bottles of water and my Tiger print headband that pushed me over the edge of just looking “normal”. [Duh, although if you'd have had the Zubaz pants on then it would have been more obvious]
Highlights of the game included drinking beer the entire way there, taking pictures of friends with the Road Dawg prior to Tigers Live, Avila having two put outs and spending an amazing day with some fun friends.  However, there were also some rough spots along the way.  If the Tigers want to have a chance in the playoffs at all, they must iron ONE key thing…

I took notes throughout the game [Notice the sloppy handwriting...perhaps they wouldn't have been so illegible if there the number one highlight of the day wouldn't have been drinking] so I’d be sure to remember the events.  It saddened me to look back on them only to discover wasted opportunities.  In the first inning the Tigers had the bases loaded with one out – Perralta hit into a double play.  Fortunately he redeemed himself in the 8th inning with the Tigers only RBIs but alas, too little, too late.

The third inning started with a leadoff double and an intentional walk to Cabrera – AWESOME!  Weird, that resulted in no runs…the Tigers tried to make a move by having Dirks steal second after his swinging bunt.  He’s about the 10th fastest guy on the team so that was obviously a good idea – wrong. [Agreed, the Tigers aren't known for their speed.  Also, if you ask Brad Pitt, he'd say stealing isn't as important as one would think.  It's all about on base percentage]
Alright, 6th inning…Porcello’s pitching lights out. [No diggity]  Cabrera gets a leadoff hit, Fielder is suspected by Sister Tigress to be unintentionally, intentionally walked [Now she's a commentator, watch out Rod]…no outs, first and second, this is it!  Oh, an inning ending double play, where have I seen that before?

In the 8th inning the team is down by 3 runs and the crowd decides that’s a good time to attempt the wave.  The Tigress has addressed this before so that is no need to elaborate on that ridiculousness.  As the bottom of the 9th commenced and I heard Eye of the Tiger blasting over the park I thought for sure something special was about to happen.  Perralta had a 2-run single and the Tigers were down one when who I see making his way to the plate but My Tiger, Brennan Boesch. [Were all the other Tigers taken when you had to pick?]

One of the main points of having A Tiger is so you can cheer crazily for them when they are brought in to clutch situations and then rub your friends’ noses in the fact that Your Tiger RULES ALL when they come through.  Instead BBoesch grounded out – drat.

I liked having Perralta in the 5 spot yesterday and Smokes must have as well because he was back in there today. [And that was the Scotts Turf poll question today, and we all know that Smokes takes those seriously.  One day they asked, what's the best form of baseball to play?  Wiffleball, softball, something else ridiculous, or stickball.  Rod was cracking up at the stickball reference]

The Tigers just enjoyed an off day on Thursday but they have another tomorrow.  Let’s hope they spend some time figuring out how to score when they have runners on base.  I feel increasingly bad for the starting pitchers who are playing their hearts out and not being rewarded with wins. [Shakes head disappointingly at Dougie Fresh]
Maybe I’ll be invited back someday [let's see the ratings from today, maybe during sweeps week] but for now, Sister Tigress has left the building!

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