Wednesday, August 22, 2012


"The Tigers ALWAYS hit into double plays!"

"No they don't Tigress, it just seems that way because they always hit into the DP during critical moments of the game."

"Are you sure Tigress?  I really feel like the Tigs hit tons of ground balls with a guy on first, especially BBoesch, Chin Strap, and even The Prince (like to end the 4th inning today)."

"Ahh, probably just your imagination."

"Did you just hear that stat!  Mario said that the Tigers have hit into 120 double plays, the most in the American League!"

"Huh, who would have thought?"

"Me!  I thought that!  I just said it in fact!"

"Ok, no need to shout."

Sorry for the internal dialogue above.  If you didn't guess, it's me arguing with myself.  On a positive note, the Tigers pitchers have combined for 1,000 strikeouts this year.  Somehow though, I don't think those two stats equal out.

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