Wednesday, August 15, 2012

100 Ribbies

Congratulations to Miguel Cabrera for getting his 100th (and 101st) RBI last night.  It's also the quickest he's gotten to the milestone in only 117 games.  So, to honor the big man, here's an Ode to Miggy.

A man so sweet goes by many names
Miggy, Cabby, the Big Man.
He is definitely a favorite
with many a Tiger fan.

His smile is big
His handshakes are fly
He got arrested in Florida
Hey, he's just that kinda guy!

100 runs batted in
is not an easy task.
Jimmy Smokes must have helped
and took away his flask.

So congrats Miggy
don't shed any tearies.
Now let's finish this season
and make it to the World Series!

 One more plea.  I heard that Rod used the nickname "Dougie Fresh" last night, which we all know I've used since February.  Ipso facto, Rod Allen reads the blog (probably not but don't burst my bubble).  So Rod, help me spread the movement.  I'll even speak to you in Allenese, "Dirty Dirks needs a new fade.  He's looking a little raggedy."  It's even coming out of the back of his helmet.  *Shudder*

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