Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Comerica experience

60-50.  Ten games above .500.  That's exactly where the Tigers need to be at this point in the season.  6 wins in a row is pretty tasty too. 

One of the best things about this blog (besides the humor) are the features.  Here's a feature we haven't seen in a while...

COME ON!  If you remember, this is when a Tiger "fan", usually they are more spectator than true fan, does something ridiculous that bares repeating.  For today's COME ON!  I present the following scenario:

I'm in Hockeytown enjoying a beverage before Monday's game.  Tigers are set to play the Yankees and I'm soon in possession of the sweetest pants known to modern-day man.
My legs have never looked so good
I look over at a table of Tiger "fans" and see that one is wearing a Tigers Granderson jersey.  Now, I love Curtis.  He's a good player and an even better individual.  In fact, I still have my Granderson shirt.  HOWEVER, I would never wear said shirt to a game the Tigers were playing against the Yankees!  COME ON!  Then, he heads to the bar with his buddy and we catch the back of the other man's shirt.  WILLIS!  That's right, Mr. Dontrelle Willis himself, or Epic Meltdown, as he's known in the sports world.  Now, wearing a past player shirt is fine as long as he was beloved and did something for the ball club.  Willis doesn't fit in that category.  Here are some others not to wear:
Gary Sheffield, Troy Percival, Joel Zumaya, Hideo Nomo, Randall Simon, feel free to add your own.

So to the men in the picture below, COME ON!
Now, on to a new feature, we'll call it the Comerica Experience.  These are things you only get to experience at the park and make the game that much more fun to watch.  Today's Comerica Experience is slapping hands with random strangers around you.  At home, when Miggy hits a game-winning home run or Verlander strikes out Ichiro three times, there's no one to high five except your cat (consequently, Mags is great at slapping hands).  At the stadium, there are more than enough people to slap hands with.  You also don't need to know someone to give a high five.  In fact, if the Tigers are doing really well and you are extra awesome, you may even leave the game with a few extra friends.  Here's our "friend" at the last game.  He was sitting next to a dude who told us he remembered Zubaz pants from when he was "this" little (holds up index finger and thumb).  Friend Tigress almost hit that dude's face, not just his hand.
This Tigress also mistakenly identified this Anderson as Matt.  News flash: It's Sparky.  I wasn't in peak form.  But now I want a Matt Anderson shirt.
So next time you go to the ballpark, make some new friends.

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