Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Holy unibrow

Ricky P was back on last night.  Like I've said before, he's either on or off.  I'll take the on.  A fan can always tell when he's on because the ground balls are all over the place.  It also doesn't hurt to be playing the Royals, whose pitcher was obviously injured.  In fact, let's just play the rest of our games versus the Royals.  Is that possible?  One thing about Ricky P though, he's gotta stop sticking his bare hand out when balls are hit past him.  That's twice he's attempted this in 2012 and it's only the first day of May!  This has injury written all over it.

Jeff Jones was commenting on Ricky P's control and when his picture popped up all I could think was...Holy Unibrow!  It's still considered manly if you do a little maintenance work on your looks.  It's called manscaping.
Shout-out: I hope this doesn't doom him, but the shout-out goes to AJ.  I was Skeptical (with a capital S) at the beginning of the year, but his ability to get on base at the top of the line up has been critical to any offense the Tigers produced thus far.  4-5 with 3 singles and a double, plus a stolen base last night.  Then when he adds in his defense...I hope Tiger pitchers are buying him a muffin basket or something.

Gem of the Day: It's been mentioned before that Eldred is a big boy.  He was facing Tim Collins on the mound for the Royals and Mario and Rod pointed out the vast height difference.  Eldred at 6'5'', probably closer to 6'6'' according to Rod and he would know, he's very into estimating height, and Collins at 5'7'', which you know you can shave at least one inch off.  It was quite comical, like a kid from the 12 year old world series practicing while his dad takes batting practice.

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