Friday, May 11, 2012

Hello In-Gee my old friend

I've seen MoneyBall twice and read the book so I'm pretty much an expert at all things about the Oakland Athletics.  What Brad Pitt likes to do is get a lot of young players who cost nothing and then throw in some veterans whose salaries are mostly being paid by another team.  Enter my old boo, In-Gee.  With his old team in town, In-Gee tried to put on a clinic last night about how you play 3rd base (pay attention kids- as Rod would say).
His dive for the foul ball of Dirks was ridiculously awesome.  Too bad for him he didn't catch it though.  Dirty Dirks makes you pay with hitting it out.  Some one (probably Brad) also convinced In-Gee that the A's are really an all year long home run derby.  Enjoy it now A's fans.  He's a great guy, an average player, and we here at the Tigress wish him nothing but the best.

Shout Out- Cabby went 4-5 with 3 RBIs and his average has slowly climbed back to .285.  Whatever he's doing is working.  Maybe it's because he has a consistent hitter in front of him...

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