Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's not a peanut butter sandwich

Banana sandwiches all around!  Seriously, bases loaded, no outs, no runs.  Only the Tigers.  Most Tiger fans are either a) frustrated, b) angry, or c) giving up.  I may be a little frustrated but I'm definitely not giving up.  Again, I was a fan in 2003.  I've been through worse.  Do I want better for our Tigs?  Yes.  I believe this team still has the great potential to take the AL Central. 

Shout Out- Dougie Fresh was looking good last night.  So glad with My Tiger choice.  One of the best things about him is that he works so quickly on the mound too. 

JV is up today.  One thing I know is that Verdiggity means "win" in Latin.

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