Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fun Fact

Ok, maybe not a fun fact, maybe more sad.  The Tigers haven't had back to back victories since April 18.  That's right, a month ago!  Unless Verdiggity is on the mound throwing a no hitter into the ninth inning, it just seems so difficult to get a win.  Notice how I didn't say impossible, just difficult.
I was in a classroom yesterday and a small child was commenting that he was going to the game this weekend (hopefully to tomorrow's game so he can get Dougie Fresh's growth chart).  The teacher said, "They haven't been doing that good lately."  My comment was, "Don't lose faith.  It's only May!"  The teacher replied, "You said that about April."  So, there are only two options:
  • Either I'm in denial
  • Or the Tigers are making me sound like a broken record
Either way, it's no good.  The small children are starting to lose faith.  Think back Tigs.  You were once small children too.  Give the kids something to believe in!

1 comment:

  1. YES! Do it for the children! And all of us that are children at heart, too.
