Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tribute to Rod Allen

Not every team has announcers as good as Rod and Mario.  I know some people (particularly Grandpa Tiger) who don't care for Rod and Mario's playful, game-time banter.  I for one love it!  Like before the game today when Rod was making a comment about Prince wearing his "big boy pants" and then Mario called him out on it.  Classic Rario.

So in honor of the man himself, we played a little round of "The Rod Allen Drinking Game."  There are many variations to this great game.  Go ahead, Google it.  I'll wait...

Ok, well this is how I arranged the Tigress version of the game.  Every player got 2 "quotes" equaling either 1, 2, or 3 drinks.  There was also an "all drink" for any time Rario talked about fashion or weight.  What can I say?  It's been a hot topic this season.  Here's a sample of the quotes:
Our players for today?
Why it's Dougie Fresh, Bboesch, Suckburn, and Verdiggity!  There was a rule instituted after the first inning that if they showed Dougie Fresh or Verdiggity in the dugout, that player would have to drink.  If Suckburn made an error, drink.  And if Bboesch managed to get a hit, drink again!  The fun was never ending!

Wouldn't you know...Suckburn had an error.  I don't care if they scored it a run, we all know it was an error.  Here's him drinking with the dog looking on in disgust.
Dougie Fresh had "big fella" on his card and Rod said it three times today!  Needless to say, Dougie was walking a little crooked after the game.
Verdiggity isn't pitching until Tuesday, so he took a nap mid game.
We also added commercials to our cards.  Bboesch had Little Caesers commercials, Verdiggity had Scott's Sports Cards, Dougie had Bell Tire, and Suckburn had WallSide Windows.

Best part of the game?  A Tigers sweep of course!  It's a Memorial Weekend miracle!  The Tigress is feeling good going into Boston with Dougie Fresh, Verdiggity, and Smyly up pitching.  Who's afraid of the Big Green Monster?  Not me.

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