Saturday, May 26, 2012

Avoiding the meltdown

To start, this is how the Tigers should be playing.  Smyly was smiley last night, living up to his namesake.  However, it wasn't without great effort from the offense.  Villarreal is the subject of a new Tigress feature:

THE MELTDOWN: In stages of course
1. He throws to Raburn when Peralta is clearly covering 2nd
2. He does a "pick off" move to first that not even Superman could handle
3. He pitched doesn't necessarily equal outs
I tried to find a picture with his head hung in shame

Gem of the Day: Mario: Prince would have flattened that guy (when Prince and the runner were both sprinting to first and almost collided)
Rod: No, that woulda killed him.

What a sick burn Rod.

Two more games with the Twinkies and then a four game set with the Red Sox.  It's almost June though...time to pick it up.  I can't keep giving people this "It's only May" crap.  I'm starting to sound silly.

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