Monday, May 28, 2012

Bye bye Smokes

I hate a Tiger loss, but there is one thing that I find highly entertaining (almost enough to make me forget the loss), and that's when Jimmy Smokes gets ejected.  Usually, Smokes is mild mannered.  He lumbers around the steps of the dugout, counting the seconds until he can retreat to his office for a cigarette.  In post game interviews, he barely moves his lips.  He seems to have three emotions: neutral, crying, or ejection anger.  Today was a little ejection anger.  Note the images below:
Leyland's clearly just telling the ump which Boston cream pie is his favorite
Don't disagree with Smokes about pie, he turns into the Hulk
So, as a Memorial Day tribute to Jimmy Smokes, let's take a look at some of his most majestic moments...directly before or after ejection.  I'll also offer some alternative interpretations of the images...because maybe Smokes is just drastically misunderstood.
Smokes could just be indicating that he has to use the little boys know what one finger means
Smokes shows the ump how to call safe without throwing out his back
Smokes gave The Avengers only one thumb up
No, no, it's a LEFT on Woodward!
Smokes shows off his slow motion chicken dance
Happy Memorial Day!

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