Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Worse than the All Star Game

Spring Training games don't count.  It's worse than the All Star game before 2003.  Worse than the 2002 All Star game that ended in a tie (eww, kissing your sister).  They aren't played for fan enjoyment or to make money.  They are played so that players get back into the groove, get to know each other again, and brush off the winter dust.  Unless you are Andy Dirks, or as he's known in the Dominican "sándwich submarino", and then you are too are used to being baseball god already.
With this in mind, this next headline is not surprising:

Coke needs adrenaline rush of real games

Really Philly?  The tens of fans in the stands aren't doing it for you?  I'm with Philly, I need the adrenaline rush of a real game.  I'm sure it's still interesting to go watch a spring training game in person (in fact it's on my baseball to do list which also includes see a game in every park, see a World Series game, and trip Raburn in an elaborate scheme to make it look like an accident), but in no way am I interested in results, recaps, or stats from these games.  I'll save my excitement for the 162 games that actually count...or in the case of the 2009 Tigers, 163.

Side note:  What would be a good nickname for Phil Coke?  Here are some options I brainstormed:
Classic (as in Coca Cola Classic)
CCC- Triple C
Philly C, or Philly Cheese steak
Todd Jones part 2- Return of the Porn Stache

Philthy Phil (I stole this off another site.  Also "Ice Cold", as in Ice Cold Coke)
Soda Pop (like from Outsiders)
Tinted window van man

Any other good ones out there?


  1. Phil Coke is not good, he doesn't need a nickname. Also, aside from LOSING game #163 in 2009, it was an AMAZING thrill to watch and be a part of...

  2. In my opinion, he's a more stable reliever than other Tigers. I was not a fan when he was a starter, but he can come in during the 7th inning any time for me. I think he deserves a nickname. I like the stolen "Philthy Phil."
