Saturday, March 31, 2012

4 days: People to meet

The Tigress is not going to opening day this year.  I'm going to see Cousin Tigress and was just poor planning! (stop yelling at me!)  Five years ago, I was lucky enough to be able to purchase tickets to opening day.  This is before the virtual waiting room, when you just clicked on the "buy tickets" and the window either popped up or said they were busy.  I got tickets in the upper deck, first row.  As stated before, there's not really a bad seat in Comerica.

I took Sister Tigress as an early birthday present.  Unfortunately, I was still in school, but only went to my first class of the day.  This put us a little behind schedule though, and we didn't get to Detroit until the gates were already open at Comerica.  Translation: no pre-game drinks, which was unfortunate on opening day.  It seemed like everywhere we walked, it was just a huge party.  People were openly drinking on the street and no one seemed to mind!  If they could create some kind of Tigress time machine, I would go back in time and skip my class for the day (I'd also push the redo button for October 2006, but that's a different story). 

Mother Tigress wanted to know what Sister and I were going to do when we got to Detroit.  We told her we were "Going to meet some people."  "Who?"  "We don't know them yet!" 

That's the great thing about opening day.  Everyone was friends and having a good time.  I'm going back, someday.
4 more days...

1 comment:

  1. That Opening Day game was sweet...I'd also rewind to October 2006 so I wouldn't have to keep hearing about it for the rest of my life.
