Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let's play a game

I'm sure by now you've heard about Cabrera's orbital fracture.  It happened while taking a grounder at 3rd that took an "unusual hop off the dirt" (translation, In-Gee would have done a double back flip and caught it in his cap).  Luckily, his sunglasses (recently recommended by Santiago, score one point on the My Tiger scale for him) saved him from further injury.  Quick, what brand are those sunglasses?  This commercial writes itself!

So, let's play a game.  What are In-Ge and Scherzer saying to Cabrera in this picture?
Here's my guess:
In-Ge- Looks pretty bad.  Season ending even.
Scherzer- It barely hit him.  It's stopped bleeding.
In-Ge- I'd sit out until the All Star break.
Scherzer- Most of that is dried.  It's just a flesh wound.  A scratch.
In-Ge- You probably have a concussion, better ask Alburquerque how long he rested and then times that by 10.
Scherzer- I found these by 3rd (holds up mangled sunglasses).  I think they took the brunt of the blow.
In-Ge- Let's get you some liquor to dull the pain.

What do you think?


  1. Scherzer: That's how my right eye turned a different color than my left.
    In-Gee: I'll take over at third, maybe DH is a better spot for you?

  2. Maybe Cabrera can borrow a Catcher's Mask from Avila?
