Sunday, March 11, 2012

Part ninja, part cheetah

It's spring forward, one of the most depressing days of the year.  So for a little chuckle, come on a journey with me.  A journey to the fascinating mind of JV...

:08- "The Perfect Club" is the shtick that MLB 2K12 is going with.  In another commercial, JV pretends to be Randy Johnson to get into the Perfect Club to have some lobster.  It's semi-funny, but they made a big deal about JV doing an "impression" of Johnson.  Putting on a mustache isn't an impression, it's a costume.  Also, Kate Upton is in the commercial, presumably because she's "perfect."  Any chance men have to put a swimsuit model in a commercial they will, no matter how relevant... Thanks Mad Men for setting the stage for men-dominated advertising campaigns.

:20- "Perfectest"'s a word.  Look it up.

:26- Pause it right here.  Look at JV's eyes!  Creepy!  I'm all for great graphics but at what expense?  To haunt my awake and sleeping dreams?  Mission accomplished.

:30- Now that's an impression!  Of who?  I don't know, but I'm guessing either a "girly man" or a teenaged boy.

:35- There's where the graphics department got the inspiration for the crazy eyes seen at :26!  Things are coming together now!  Which would be better, by the way, a part ninja, part cheetah?  Or a ninja riding a cheetah?  My vote would be for the part ninja, part cheetah because hybrids are all the rage right now.  So eco friendly.  Plus, to have the speed of a cheetah meshed with the fighting ability of a ninja, you'd be unstoppable! 

:40- Why would someone want to fight a ninja?  It's obviously a battle doomed to end in blood shed.

:47- Look kids, it's CJ Wilson!  (Yes I had to google that).

:53- JV has telepathic powers!  Who knew right?  Must be all the Taco Bell he eats.  Or is this an unexpected, yet welcome side effect to the Fastball Flakes?  One can only hope.

:58- "I'm everywhere.  Ninja. (roar of a cheetah)"  Destined to be a catch phrase this year, at least in my small world.  Please let Rod and Mario pick up on this.  They love a good catch phrase.

1:04- Mini fist pump.  If JV is doing that on the game, then what do they have Valverde doing?  I hope they figured out the science of how such a large man can dance around with such agility.

OK JV, now that the commercial is over, get your hands off that controller!  We need your MVP hands ready for Opening Day.  Don't pull a Zumaya.

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