Thursday, March 29, 2012

6 days: The new rally cap

I love rituals and traditions in baseball, except the wave, that's not really a part of baseball.  Anything that distracts from the actual game is not something I can get on board with.  (Mascots are also on watch.)  My favorite baseball ritual is the rally cap.  Here is what the greatest information source (wikipedia) has to say about rally caps:

"A rally cap is a baseball cap worn while inside-out and backwards or in another unconventional manner by players or fans, in order to will a team into a come-from-behind rally late in the game. The rally cap is primarily a baseball superstition.  The belief behind the rally cap is generally to sacrifice a small amount of one's dignity in exchange for a little luck for one's team."

Personally, I don't agree with the last part.  I proudly sport my rally cap.  That's how you can distinguish the true sports fans from the lackluster ones.  Anyone willing to stretch out his hat a little bit in the name of runs is all right in my book.

Anyone can wear a rally cap though!  What happens if you forget your rally cap?  With the growing popularity of "rally towels" (thanks to the granddad of rally towels, the Terrible Towel), it's easy to create run production by either waving said rally towel, or by creating a makeshift rally cap WITH your rally towel.  I first thought of this genius idea during game 5 of the ALDS last year versus the Yankees.  I was at a local bar and didn't bring a hat.  When we needed some run production, I threw the towel on my head.  I figured, rally cap PLUS rally towel EQUALS more runs!  (I'm pretty sure my math is correct but you might want to recheck it).
For dog lovers, simply take a dog kerchief (or a doggerchief) and tie it around your dog's head.  Trust me, they love this.

Now, October in Michigan can get quite chilly.  So I had an idea.  I asked Sister Tigress to knit me a Tiger scarf (another jealous look I see).  While wearing said scarf, run production can be increased by creating a "rally babushka".  For those of you without Polish grandmothers, a babushka is a head scarf worn to keep ladies' hair in place on windy days.  It's also a fashion statement, and a hilarious word to say.  Babushka...

The rally babushka helped the Tigers CRUSH the Rangers during game 5 of the ALCS last year.  The babushka was responsible for BOTH of Delmon's home runs in that game.  This Tigress also used her hat to create a double rally cap/babushka for extra catalyst power.  So ladies, 2012 is the year of the babushka.  Better get yours now.  Not only is it functional for run production, but you never know how chilly it may get during any given month in Detroit.

6 more days...

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