Saturday, March 10, 2012

The G-Money Train

I get it, we need a back up catcher.  Avila needs days of rest and a reliable person to be a back up.  VMart was not that person last year.  Leyland admitted up front that he wanted VMart to do minimal catching.  He knew that it was his bat they were paying for, not his knees.  I understand all these things.  That doesn't make it ok that G-Money is back to fill that role.  He's one of those Tigers that you think "Thank goodness" when he leaves and "Oh crap" when he comes back (Todd Jones anyone?  Or his little known nickname, Porn Stache). 
Don't adjust your screen.  That's just what he looks like.  It burns my eyes a little bit.
G-Money was/is a mediocre player at best.  He hit .207 in 2010 for the Tigers and only .232 last year with the Cards.  Not only that, he's never been known for his speed.  When he hits a ball to the outfield, his team mates can be heard yelling "Unhitch the trailer!" 

So why is he on the team?  Probably the influence of Larussa.  Probably because of G-Money's "good guy" status (Tigers are circulating a story that he "mentored" Avila.  Skip the crap, no one cares.).  Probably because he already had a nickname from Rod and Mario.  Trust me, the last reason is a big deal.  Good nicknames are hard to come by.  All I know is, I have to deal with watching him all season every 5-6 days.  He better not be Fister's personal catcher (you know, kind of like Wakefield used to have with Mirabelli) or Fister is out of the running as My Tiger.  In fact, I'd like to add G-Money to the list of My not Tiger.

To add fuel to the fire, my uncle likes to pretend that G-Money is his favorite player.  Here are some of his recent Facebook statuses (stati?): 

G-money should see some good pitches with cabrera,fielder,and young behind him.
g-money should be able to steal 20-25 bases this season if jim gives him the greenlight
best selling book in lakeland is 'what i think about when i think about hitting' by G-money.
this year its..when G-money hits for the cycle bring the boxscore into arby's for a small curly fry.
baseball signed by verlander, cabrera,and fielder=$100. add G-money signature=$1000
G$ has a list of baseball's unwritten rules
Yes these are real.  My uncle is hilarious but reading these is giving me heartburn.  Oh, and he was arrested after getting in a fight at an NBA game...classy.  Down with G-Money.

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