Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tickets and games

Obviously my last post was female directed.  That happens sometimes.  I have to sit and listen to men talk about all sorts of things (especially work).  So basically what I'm saying is quit your whining before I have to call the WAHmbulance.
Yesterday, Tiger tickets went on sale.  I remember a simpler time when we could call ticket master or simply go to the stadium to get our tickets.  Now, we are greeted with this:
Is there anything more exciting, thrilling, and annoying as the virtual waiting room?  That little man moves so slowly, but when he moves a out!  This year I wasn't trying to get opening day tickets, so I wasn't as emotionally invested.  However, when World Series tickets went on sale, I was invested with my entire metaphorical life savings.  Sister Tigress and I had 3 computers going and had them triangulated for optimal viewing.  The advantage of buying those tickets was that they sold them on a weekday morning when most suckers are at "work."  Advantage Tigress.  We succeeded in buying tickets and it may have been the single most exciting moment of my life.  I had knots in my stomach for days.  Then the Tigers lost.  I suppose if I wouldn't have gotten the tickets they would have made it.  Good thing about sports, there's always next year.

So, the Tigers started playing their Spring Training games yesterday.  Now that reporters have actual games to report on, let's see what they are saying...

Head displays power for Tigers

That's right, reread that again.  Jerad Head has been living in the minors and various teams for six years and the Tigers signed him to beef up their Triple A line up.  (Really?  I didn't know we did that.)  All I see in this guy is potential.  Ya, ya, he hit a home run yesterday as a DH, but I'm thinking name potential.  To have Fister and Head on the same team...the possibilities are endless!  Sorry Dirks and Clete Thomas, you guys are off the team for a guy with more "potential."

Side note:
"The entire Tigers 40-man roster is now under contract. The team agreed to terms on one-year contracts with Al Alburquerque, Brennan Boesch and Daniel Schlereth. The remaining three unsigned players -- Alex Avila, Doug Fister and Austin Jackson -- all had their contracts renewed by the team."
One word- Yay!  This is great news, but let's make sure to sign BBoesch to a more lengthy contract come next winter, ok Dave?

And we can't have a game recap without a headline about In-Gee

Inge passes early tests at second base

Yup, you will be hearing about this for the next month.  Might as well come to terms with it.  I have.  But then what happens after?  Then do I have to hear about In-Gee accepting his role as an "every position" man?  Or get weekly updates on his status at 2nd?  Why haven't we heard as much about the fight for the outfield positions?  Those are important too.  I'd say Jackson is the only guaranteed starter.  Delmon still has to prove himself.  Same with Bboesch.  Are we ignoring all other positions?  Guess so.

Prince collects two hits as Tigers top Braves

Last one for today.  Here's what I'm really interested in.  Will the big money, off-season trade really be worth it?  Please oh please yes.  Nine years is a long time to commit to anything (insert joke about Kim Kardashian's wedding lasting 72 days).  The Tigers aren't the Yankees.  I don't want them to be the Yankees.  No one likes the Yankees.  If you do, I don't like you.  Yankees sign players to contracts and expect big things.  Then good players (ARod) seem like mediocre players because of all that money.  Old Dave obviously doesn't subscribe to the MoneyBall philosophy.  He must not be a Brad Pitt fan.


  1. Question: If Brandon In-gee continues to be an everyday player at 2nd base, will he remain Your Tiger?

  2. No, we broke up. I'm not one to do the on-again-off-again relationship. Best to make a clean break and start with someone new. It's the circle of life... I mean, the game.
