Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Maxtermind

With Maxxy Pooh's win last night, he is the first Tiger ever to start 11-0.  SchEYEzer has always been good, our very own strikeout king, but it's true that he's in a whole different realm this season.  Yahoo Sports did an article on how all the Tiger pitchers play a game to guess what the starting pitcher will throw next (you can read it here, and it's an interesting article, but how does SchEYEzer's eye condition make him Harvey Dent? That's a stretch of a metaphor, something I NEVER do- winky face).

Maxxy is very into sabermetrics (which is the real star of Moneyball, contrary to what Brad Pitt would have you believe) and uses statistics before and after the game to adjust his approach to pitching.  Verdiggity's comments during the game last night pretty much summed it up.  Maxxy is good at what he does, but it's a little over JV's head.  He'll stick with what he knows and leave SchEYEzer to what he knows.  That's why they excel in different areas and complement each other as the starting two.

It's also true that Dougie, Sanchez, and Ricky P round out the rotation as well.  In fact, if the Tigers starting rotation were a family of brothers, these would be their roles.

Oldest brother- Sanchez appears the most responsible of the Tiger bunch.  He's most consistent, getting record strikeouts (17 folks) and near no-hitters almost every season.  First borns are known perfectionists, and Sanchez is as close to that as anyone.  He's been the balancing force to the Tiger lineup since joining last year.  Before they were a hodgepodge of flamethrowers, but Sanchez brought depth and melded the lineup together.

Second oldest brother- Often the most quiet and reserved, Dougie Fresh goes about his business but gets the job done. He often flies under the radar and doesn't demand a lot of attention or fanfare.  Don't try and sneak anything past Dougie though.  He's extremely efficient and has records of his own to compete with the oldest brother (nine in a row, beat that Sanchez) but would never physically challenge his brothers to a fight.

Middle brother- The most compromising of the bunch, Verdiggity is the middle child that tries and keeps everyone together.  He's serious when he has to be (on the mound), but a jokester on off days, keeping everyone entertained.  He's a natural communicator and often talks with the commentators during the game, giving his trademark toothy grin and chuckle.  Don't let him fool you though, he's the one to instigate a fight or bet if need be.  If you have any question about how tricky he can really be, just ask Donnie Kelly how quickly a foot can heal from a burn.

Second youngest brother- SchEYEzer is the thinker of the group, the one that will go to college and be a doctor or lawyer.  He's good with numbers, but has the raw, natural talent to accompany his mind.  Although he's the thinker, he's the bridge between the middle and youngest child and uses his own humor to bind the five together.  Oh ya, he's also got the best start in the majors right now.  Not that he's one to brag to mom and dad.

Youngest brother- Obviously, it's Ricky P.  The actual youngest of the bunch, he's also the one that gets away with murder (remember the nine run first inning?!), but always seems to turn it around.  A favorite with those in charge (in this case, the ladies), we forgive him for things that the older brothers couldn't fathom doing.  He has charm and a slight shoulder shrug as if to say, "Hey, my bad."  You can't stay mad at Ricky P.

Together, they are the best rotation in the majors, primed to have the most strikeouts in the majors.  Oh ya, and really fun to watch.

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