Sunday, June 9, 2013

The bullpen

Sister Tigress and I made the trip today to Comerica for not only player photo day, but an added bonus was getting my first experience sitting behind the Tigers bullpen and getting to see Alvarez make his major league debut.  The whole day was an experience and a half.  Buckle your seat belts kids, and take a seat on the Tigress train.

The tickets that we purchased were in section 148, row A.  With our seats came a parking pass that was not labeled very clearly.  After several attempts (props to the Tigers parking staff for continuing to direct a lost Tigress to the correct location), we ended up parking in the same garage that the Tigers themselves park in.  After a walk down a flight of stairs, boom, we ended up right at the beer hall.  Unfortunately, I was not able to steal a cereal bowl from a small child.  Earlier in the week, Sister Tigress and I hypothesized that we could get a bowl easy because the small children don't 1. wear the bowls or 2. play with the bowls.  Personally, that sounds like a challenge to me and I can both wear and play with a bowl if given the chance.

We immediately got on the field and were one deep for the fan photos.  Although we didn't get any pictures WITH the players, we got some good ones OF the players.  First up was Mini Miggy giving some good face.
Vmart was traveling with him, and they kind of seem like buddies.
The coaches came by next.  Here are the things I shouted at each coach:
To Lamont, I shouted, "Gene, I love you in the dugout!"
To Jeff Jones (Unibrow), I shouted, "Jeff, awesome pitching staff this year.  Keep it up"!  He laughed at me.
To Smokes, all I could shout was, "Smokes!  Jimmy Smokes!"  I get a little tongue tied sometimes...
I even got a semi-picture with Smokes.  By that I mean, Smokes was in the background of my picture and was vaguely aware that I was the one that just kept yelling at people.

If there was one guy who was loving some fan photo day, it was Brayan Pena.  He just seems to be loving his place with the Tigers and we could use more people like him.  Pena was kissing babies, giving high fives, and hugging just about everyone.
Someone who was a little out of his element, was Luke Putkonen.  He was walking around with Debbie Downer and wasn't really approaching people like the other players.  Some people are just more shy, or think they are better than other people.  The jury is out on Luke.
After that, we headed to our seats.  These were some sweet A seats.  We had a direct line of sight into the bullpen.  It was like peeking into the secret world of relief pitchers, or the Real Throwing Arms of Detroit.  As the players walked out to the bullpen to sit, I said hi to several players (again, can't shut up).  Here's the key when talking to players, use their first names and know something about them.  Also, be a woman (winky face).

First up was Papa Potato.  He was walking by and I kept shouting "Potato!"  He turned and waved to me.  I think Potato likes his new nickname.  Then, Benoit walked by and he gave me the hand wave.

When Coke walked by, he tipped his cap to me.  He must think he's a gentleman.  Cokie is also quite the jokester.  He was hassling Suckburn out in left field.  Speaking of which, I predicted that Suckburn would be out in left and I would get to shout "Raburn!" every chance I got!  Don't worry Detroit, I did my civic duty and heckled Suckburn and let him know what we think of him.  You're welcome.

Alvarez had a great first game getting the win.  It was kind of heart warming because Smokes came up to him before the game to give him a little pep talk.  Here's how I imagine it going down:
Smokes: Hi kid, how you feeling?
Alvarez: Good, good.
Smokes: This is a big moment for you.  Something you are always going to remember.  Thirty years from now, you'll be telling your grandkids about the day you started your first MLB game.
Alvarez: Yup, yup.
Smokes: You can either make it great or make it mediocre.  Let's make it great!  Don't shit the bed.
Alvarez: Yes, yes sir.

All in all, it was a great game.  Today's Shout Out is a little unique.  I've talked before about how being a bullpen catcher is a dream job.  You do minimal work and get all the glory of hanging out with the players.  The Shout Out goes to bullpen catcher Jeff Kunkel.  Not only does he do a great job warming up the pitchers and supervising the general bullpen area, but today he made a guy's day.  In the section next to us, there was a man in his mid 20s with a developmental disability.  He had a ball and a Sharpie, and he asked Kunkel to sign his ball for him.  Now, any normal bullpen catcher could have done one of two things.  1.  Ignore him, or 2. sign the ball knowing that he doesn't really know who you are.  Instead, Kunkel took the ball into the bullpen and had 5 or 6 relief pitchers sign the ball for him.  I've never seen someone so excited.  He kept recapping it for everyone around him and talking about how excited he was.  He made that guy's day, and we here at the Tigress love people who go out of their way to make others happy.  Go Kunkel!
To cap off our day, we saw a very special person as we were exiting the Tigers' garage.  I looked up and saw the Master Brow himself!  Slick Davey.  I just pointed and barely got a word out.  Sister Tigress shouted, "Great job putting together this team!  Great game, Dave."  He gave us the wave.  Then, I finally gathered my composure long enough to shout, "Extend Miggy's contract!"  He gave a head nod.  I take that as a good sign.  Just doing my job as a fan.
Of course, Donnie Kelly saves the day and gets a three run home run, which is better than any Suckburn solo home run any day.  Tigers take the sweep, fun had by all, and memories made.

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