Monday, June 24, 2013

Golf foursome

I was stumbling around the Internet (you can really do that now.  Thanks, Al Gore!) and I found this hilarious interview with Justin Verlander.  It’s worth the ten minute watch (make sure to stay until the very end).  After you watch, trust me you want to watch first, here are some gems I garnered from this interview:
  1. Tuey almost got himself sent back down to Single A Whitecaps by almost pegging Miggy in the head with a foul ball.  How did JV and I both miss that?
  2. JV wears his pants so tight because he has great legs and butt.  First, no argument here.  Second, I also use this argument regularly.  I too have no upper body strength but could kick my way out of a jam if need be.
  3. Verdiggity picked Al Alburquerque as the ugliest player on the team?  Really?  I’m pretty sure there are uglier guys.  In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ll explore this on a future date.
  4. JV is a vicious older brother.  He would peg his brother to show him who is boss.  I bet he also beat his brother in public when they were kids, knowing he can’t scream or he would get in trouble.  Sister Tigress used this method often, perfecting the pinch and twist on my inner arm.
  5. JV plays a lot of golf, and I mean a lot.  I’m hoping these are off season games and he isn’t using his days off trolling around Detroit area golf courses, trying to squeeze in 18 before the game starts.  I know a recently retired Tiger in Detroit who frequents golf courses.  I’ll tell him to start looking for JV.  If he sees him, I hope he would give him a stern talking to.  At least he answered the no-hitter or hole-in-one question correctly.
  6. I would love to see JV ask Smokes if he can go in and hit.  If the Tigers are in a pinch late in an NL game, he’d be an option…right?

The question about the best foursome brings up a question for me, if I could have dinner (or play golf, or play ping pong, or weed the garden, or whatever) with three of the Tigers, who would I choose?  It’s maybe the toughest question I’ve ever had to answer.  Here are my choices:

  1. Dougie Fresh- If you don’t pick your Tiger for this question, then he’s not REALLY your Tiger.  I’d probably ask Dougie to stand next to me and use my head as a coaster.  He’s a foot (and then some) taller than me.  I’d look like a Munchkin or tween girl.
  2. Miguel Cabrera- Not only is he the best hitter in baseball, but he also seems like a pretty sweet guy (remember he waved at me the other day).  I also hear he is hilarious.  Remember Miggy Poco?  If not, Google it.  Now.
  3. This last one would be difficult to pick.  If Laird was still on the team, I’m pretty sure I would pick him and Verlander since they were comedic gold.  Torii Hunter’s antics this year have been pretty hilarious, especially when he asked the second base umpire to help him up and then acted like dead weight.  If I wanted an intellectual conversation, I might ask SchEYEzer or Avila since I’m pretty sure those two are the brains of the operation.  As it sits, I’d pick Verlander and try to get him to antagonize the other two as much as possible.  As you can tell, I’m looking for highest average of laughs per minute to really get my money’s worth.

Think about it, who would you pick?  It’s harder than you think.

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