Thursday, August 30, 2012


There was a very nice piece on Tigers Live today about a young man who has cancer and got the chance to come to Comerica and play catch with His Tiger, Alex Avila.  The whole segment was nice, meant to make emotional people cry.  Avila took the kid around and introduced him to some of the other players and coaches.  What made me laugh was Smokes coming up to the kid and saying, "I'm Jim Leyland.  I'm the manager."

Now, there are few people who don't have to announce their jobs to fans or just any person in the know.  Here are some other examples:
"Hi, I'm Barack Obama.  I'm the president of the United States of America."
"Hi, I'm Mick Jagger.  I'm the lead singer for the Rolling Stones."
"Hi, I'm Michael Jordan, His Airness.  I used to play basketball."

So, Smokes, we know you are the manager.  I'd say 90% of people in Michigan know who you are.  If there's a kid whose dream is to play catch with Avila, then he knows who you are.

Side notes:
  • AJacks is doing amazing.  So amazing, that OTHER people outside of D-Town are starting to notice.  Keep it up kid.
  • I had to sit through 8 hours of "professional development" today and one of the talks was on cancer (spoiler alert: it's not going away).  One of the tips was for men to eat tomatoes to help prevent prostate cancer.  I turned to Colleague Tigress and said, "That's what I've been telling Justin!"  There was some confusion about who Justin was, especially when it was discovered that I don't actually know him but am just preaching to him in a blog.  That's normal, right?
  • Avila's voice is deep.  Is there a hormone that links large vocal folds (=low voice) with the ability to grow a beard in 2 hours?  I think so.
  • Dougie Fresh pitches tomorrow.  Yay!  Not only that, but the three strongest Tiger pitchers (in my opinion, which is all that matters) pitch against the Sox this weekend.  Let's bring it boys!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Two hands

I'm going to tell a little story.

Juan Encarnacion played with the Tigers from 1997 to 2002.  I don't remember what year it was in there (one year that the Tigers weren't playing well), but I attended a game with several friends.  We had bleacher seats, which were basically front row seats to watch Juan play the outfield.  Now, he's definitely not the only big league player to do this, but it's frustrating to watch the whole game anyway.  He only used one hand to catch fly balls.  Any good Little Leaguer will tell you that their coach always said to use two hands.  Why?  So you don't accidentally drop the ball.  In fact, that whole game watching from the bleachers, my friend was shouting, "Juan, two hands!" 

Get it?  I thought it was hilarious!  His name is obviously a homophone for the number one, so it's like we were counting.  Ok, well I thought it was funny.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because Jayson Werth will do well to remember the advice of his Little League coach from now on.  Click here and just watch in horror.  At least Jayson brought his right hand up to assist in catching the ball.  I bet he'll do it from now on too!  So here's my memo to the worst of the Tiger outfielders (you know who you are...Delmon, Bboesch, even Tigerberry is a little too excitable).  One, two hands!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In the booth with CMo

CMo is pinch hitting tonight.  Follow the Tigress during the game, watching through the eyes of CMo.

6:42- Road Dawg lets us know that Rod Allen is at an out of town wedding.  Cue the shot of Mario and CMo having a simulated conversation, much like we will be listening to for the next 3 hours or so.
6:45- Road Dawg makes a quip about CMO being 0-14 in pinch hitting situations.  Oh Road Dawg, no one is safe from your teasing.
6:49- Now Road Dawg is talking about Dougie Fresh’s junk.  Why couldn’t Keating be the new Rod Allen for tonight?  Maybe he’s only good scripted.  No, that’s not it.  Pretty excited to see Smyly again.  Hoping he lights it up and we can keep him up to be a long reliever as we get into September and hopefully October.
6:55- Fist bump initiated by Mario.  Maybe Mario is looking for his new bromance after The Field has refused all of his advances.
7:05- Second voice crack for CMo.  Is it nerves or the second coming of his puberty?
7:07- Mario’s talking a lot at this point.  I think he forgot to take a breath at one point.  Now CMo is name dropping and talking about how he used to work out with Torii Hunter.  That’s something Rod doesn’t have.  The guys he played with are long gone.
7:18- CMo is excited and recapping what it’s like to show up ready to play a game!  His voice gets raspy and he definitely has a menacing giggle.  He seems like one of those guys who still talks about his high school football games as if they were broadcasted on ESPN.  If only he had a time machine to go back to the 80s.  He could probably throw that football over the mountain…
7:20- CMo makes one of the most obvious comments so far.  “In DHing, all you have to think about is hitting.”  Really, this is what I have to listen to for the next eight innings?
7:24- First disappointment of the day.  Even though we haven’t had any adjectives for the high definition ad in a while, I was kind of hoping that CMo would have one ready.
7:28- Flashback to CMo playing, it was inevitable.  Mario also complimented him on his defense.  Oh Mario, you are such a charmer.
7:31- Prince Fielder is the worst slider…EVER.  It’s not even a contest.  I agree with CMo with his commentary of “AHHH.”  Also I like that he called him out on his “tumble” rather than slide.
7:40- Way to go CMo!  He says something about Vernon Wells being a talent and then BOOM, a home run.  Way to jinx it.
7:42- Mario: “What happened there?”  CMo: (crickets chirping).  Best response to a Mario question?  Silence. 
7:45- Justin White misses CMo.  I knew they were BFFs.  CMo is having fun with the big boys though.
7:47- CMo was superstitious about playing ball.  I think he still is about being a TV personality.  Maybe he hits up Taco Bell with Verdiggity.
7:54- CMo gives his shout out to the Tiger “Greats.”  Funny how the people he mentioned are both on staff for Dombrowski.  Me thinks CMo likes his job broadcasting, but wouldn’t turn down a job in the front office either.
8:02- WTF!  Jackson never drops the ball!  Even if he got turned around CMo, he had it in his glove.  Sounds like CMo also likes to look at the instant replay before he makes an informed opinion.  The professionals go on instinct my man.
8:05- “That’s cold.”  Good catchphrase.
8:08- The almost foul ball would have been the perfect opportunity for Mario and CMo to do their John Candy impression from Rookie of the Year.  “It’s foul!”  “It’s fair!” 
8:15- Words that start with vowels are the most difficult for CMo to get out, articulation-wise.  Occupational hazard that I notice these things.
8:19- Should have done a tally to see how many times they reference CMo’s glory days as a player.  Seriously, if he isn’t Uncle Rico, I don’t know who is.
8:21- Even with one camera, CMo still doesn’t really know where to look.  Someone should have put a sign over the camera that said “Look here!”
8:26- CMo can’t make it as a shortstop but says that those “Latin guys” are so much better.  Watch out generalizing an entire group of people, CMo.  There’s also a way that CMo just said “Yes it was” that was Allen-ish.  I bet he was studying Rod tapes for days.
8:33- Again, CMo’s insights about Adrian Gonzalez are eye opening.  “He’s a good hitter.”  Thanks Captain Obvious.
8:40- How is the Scott’s poll question not about CMo? Disappointment number 2 of the night.
8:47- Ryan Mallet is the backup for Tom Brady?  Wow, even CMo can spread some knowledge on me.
8:54- Cabby was letting the four letter words fly!  Don’t they have a 2 second delay on sports?
8:56- CMo just pulled out “I see ya.”  Mario says to get his own shtick.  You would think that CMo would have jotted down some catch phrases last night for just such an occasion.  CMo claims it’s a tribute.  Sure.
9:01- CMo roots fro Soft J because he’s wearing his old number.  Side note, my old number 42 is forever retired (especially now that Rivera has been out of commission) so I don’t have this same feeling.
9:13- Throughout the game, there have been moments when Mario and CMo have started talking at the same time.  Not his fault.  It’s takes two to tango…or something like that.  Plus Rario has hours of on air time to practice their perfectly choreographed banter.
9:22- Going back to superstitions, if the Tigers pull out the win, I’d want CMo back for tomorrow’s finale.
9:27- “You can’t win scoring one run.”   Right you are Smokes.  He must be reading the blog.
9:37- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were hanging out with Paws!  I wish they would have invited me.  I always wanted to be April O’Neil.
9:39- CMo calls Hunter Spiderman.  Random!  Props to Hunter though.  He had a mad catch and as CMo pointed out, it’s not his ball park.
9:42- “He likes that cheese.  He’ll jump on it.”  Now those are some good catch phrases CMo, although I think Rod has the hold on any reference to “cheese.”  You can claim the "jump on it" from Sir Mix A Lot though.
9:46- LaTroy Hawkins is another friend of CMo’s.  We also learn he’s moving to Austin, Texas.  So, not a Motor City boy after all.
9:47- CMo’s number came through!  Might need to keep CMo around folks.  “27 coming through for CMo.”
9:53- I love a two out rally…
9:59- CMo likes Tigerberry.  Who doesn’t I guess, but I wonder if CMo looks at him and sees a reflection of himself.  No, it’s too late in the evening to be making these deep reflections.
10:02- “Come on, big ‘em.”  That’s all I can guess that CMo said.  He’s very excited about getting to see Papa Potato dance.  I think even Rod knows that the dance is not something that is respectable.  And yes CMo, you were 0-14 pinch hitting.  Remember, the Road Dawg called you out before the game.
10:04- “Do your dance Papa Grande.”
Let’s recap the performance.  It’s hard to come in and do a job that someone else has been doing.  It’s why I’ve never tried to substitute teach.  CMo did pretty well.  I’d give him a 7 out of 10.  He definitely has a hard time getting his words out, but he has enthusiasm and laughs a lot.  That’s always good.  Next time though, my vote is for the Road Dawg to pinch hit.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


"The Tigers ALWAYS hit into double plays!"

"No they don't Tigress, it just seems that way because they always hit into the DP during critical moments of the game."

"Are you sure Tigress?  I really feel like the Tigs hit tons of ground balls with a guy on first, especially BBoesch, Chin Strap, and even The Prince (like to end the 4th inning today)."

"Ahh, probably just your imagination."

"Did you just hear that stat!  Mario said that the Tigers have hit into 120 double plays, the most in the American League!"

"Huh, who would have thought?"

"Me!  I thought that!  I just said it in fact!"

"Ok, no need to shout."

Sorry for the internal dialogue above.  If you didn't guess, it's me arguing with myself.  On a positive note, the Tigers pitchers have combined for 1,000 strikeouts this year.  Somehow though, I don't think those two stats equal out.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My sickly Tiger

Oh the woes of the Tigress.  My Dougie Fresh is feeling the strain of injury again, this time in his groin.  He "may" miss his next start.  Oh Dougie Fresh, what will I do with you!  Stay healthy!  If he happens to go on the DL or even just miss a start, this will have been the third time this season.  Nothing is as disappointing as when My Tiger can't even compete in the game.

Just once though, I'd like to see the headline read some a little more to the point.  For example:

Actual headline: Tigers' Doug Fister could miss next start with groin issue
Better headline: Dougie Fresh hurt his junk

Just saying.
G$ checks to make sure DF is ok.  Obviously "medical doctor" is implied in the dolla sign.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Guest bloggess

Just like any mother, sometimes it's nice to pass the baby off for a weekend and let someone else do the writing.  Today, we have Sister Tigress chiming in about her adventure to Comerica yesterday.  Any comments I deem appropriate are in brackets.

Sister Tigress here.  I ventured to a game without The Tigress yesterday and was awarded [rewarded, you didn't win anything] a guest spot on the blog.  I’m so nervous. [She should be]  However, I’m sure I’ll perform better than C-Mo when given the spotlight so that reassures me slightly. [Just look at the correct camera and you'll be fine]
We live just over 2 hours from the ballpark.  Going to a game is an event.  I wear Tiger apparel frequently so it’d be hard to tell whether I was dressed to go to a game or sit at home and watch.
Yesterday was a special event.  With 15 other people I boarded a bus to drive us to Comerica Park to watch the Tigers battle the Orioles.  Prior to departure I stopped at the gas station to get some bottles of water.  The attendant said, “Headed to the Tigers game today, maybe?”  Why, yes, I absolutely am.  Assess the situation…BBoesch teeshirt and jeans – fairly standard.  Must have been the three giant bottles of water and my Tiger print headband that pushed me over the edge of just looking “normal”. [Duh, although if you'd have had the Zubaz pants on then it would have been more obvious]
Highlights of the game included drinking beer the entire way there, taking pictures of friends with the Road Dawg prior to Tigers Live, Avila having two put outs and spending an amazing day with some fun friends.  However, there were also some rough spots along the way.  If the Tigers want to have a chance in the playoffs at all, they must iron ONE key thing…

I took notes throughout the game [Notice the sloppy handwriting...perhaps they wouldn't have been so illegible if there the number one highlight of the day wouldn't have been drinking] so I’d be sure to remember the events.  It saddened me to look back on them only to discover wasted opportunities.  In the first inning the Tigers had the bases loaded with one out – Perralta hit into a double play.  Fortunately he redeemed himself in the 8th inning with the Tigers only RBIs but alas, too little, too late.

The third inning started with a leadoff double and an intentional walk to Cabrera – AWESOME!  Weird, that resulted in no runs…the Tigers tried to make a move by having Dirks steal second after his swinging bunt.  He’s about the 10th fastest guy on the team so that was obviously a good idea – wrong. [Agreed, the Tigers aren't known for their speed.  Also, if you ask Brad Pitt, he'd say stealing isn't as important as one would think.  It's all about on base percentage]
Alright, 6th inning…Porcello’s pitching lights out. [No diggity]  Cabrera gets a leadoff hit, Fielder is suspected by Sister Tigress to be unintentionally, intentionally walked [Now she's a commentator, watch out Rod]…no outs, first and second, this is it!  Oh, an inning ending double play, where have I seen that before?

In the 8th inning the team is down by 3 runs and the crowd decides that’s a good time to attempt the wave.  The Tigress has addressed this before so that is no need to elaborate on that ridiculousness.  As the bottom of the 9th commenced and I heard Eye of the Tiger blasting over the park I thought for sure something special was about to happen.  Perralta had a 2-run single and the Tigers were down one when who I see making his way to the plate but My Tiger, Brennan Boesch. [Were all the other Tigers taken when you had to pick?]

One of the main points of having A Tiger is so you can cheer crazily for them when they are brought in to clutch situations and then rub your friends’ noses in the fact that Your Tiger RULES ALL when they come through.  Instead BBoesch grounded out – drat.

I liked having Perralta in the 5 spot yesterday and Smokes must have as well because he was back in there today. [And that was the Scotts Turf poll question today, and we all know that Smokes takes those seriously.  One day they asked, what's the best form of baseball to play?  Wiffleball, softball, something else ridiculous, or stickball.  Rod was cracking up at the stickball reference]

The Tigers just enjoyed an off day on Thursday but they have another tomorrow.  Let’s hope they spend some time figuring out how to score when they have runners on base.  I feel increasingly bad for the starting pitchers who are playing their hearts out and not being rewarded with wins. [Shakes head disappointingly at Dougie Fresh]
Maybe I’ll be invited back someday [let's see the ratings from today, maybe during sweeps week] but for now, Sister Tigress has left the building!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day Off

Last night Rod and Mario were talking about what they are doing on their day off today.  This led to some serious speculation by the Tigress about what each Tigers player will be doing on their day off.  Let's start with our announcer friends, who were very vague on air with their off-day preferences.

Mario: Quite the rebel on off days.  He doesn't set an alarm and sleeps in to 10:15 (gasp!).  Then he takes his son outside and makes him hit 1,000 balls of the tee so he can follow in the footsteps of Rod, Smokes, and Kaline's kin and be drafted by the Tigers.  By the end of the day, the kid's gone all "Field of Dreams" and refuses to play catch with Mario.

Rod: He's having an 80s John Hughes marathon!  Always the purist, he decides to go in chronological order: Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, Weird Science, and finish with Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  He even dances along to Twist and Shout during the parade scene.

Phil Coke: Does 100 meter sprints all day long.  He gets faster and progressively more intense as the day goes on.  Eye of the Tiger, Philthy Phil.

Dougie Fresh: Spends all day searching You Tube for instructional videos on how to "Dougie" so that the next time the Tigress asks him, he can just bust a move.

Ricky P: Practices his pick up lines on the ladies at the local club. (Tries to get G$ to be his wing man but he's busy)  Some of his favs:
Do you have a Band aid?  I just scraped my knee falling for you.
You look cold.  Want to use me as a blanket?
You're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line.

SchEYEzer: He's heading to Cedar Point again with G$!  Watch out Top Trill Dragster, this time the goal is not to puke.
Papa Potato: He's on You Tube also, but unlike Dougie, he's researching the most obnoxious ways to celebrate.  Interestingly enough, five of the top ten videos are of himself...

Verdiggity: It's a Taco Bell night folks!  Tomorrow is game day.  To challenge himself, he'll ask that the manager hide one tomato in his food to increase his tolerance for the fruit.
Actual picture twittered by JV

Avila: Ice bath, followed by heat packs, followed by hot ice, followed by a 90 minute massage.  By the end of the day, he'll be able to move around again like a 40 year old.

Jeff Baker: Will take the day and explore his new city.  He'll make the mistake of wandering around downtown Detroit, not realizing that all the Tigers live in Birmingham or some other ritzy suburb.  He gets caught in a sticky situation and ends up having to call G$ to bail him out.  Too bad G$ is in Ohio riding the Blue Streak...

Cabby:  I don't know, what do All Stars do on their day off?  Spend time with their family?  Weed the garden?  Get a pedicure?  Probably all of the above.

The Prince: He's been on Pinterest this road series and has several recipes to test out.  My guess is he'll invite Cabby and G$ over to sample.  We all know where G$ is though.

Jhonny (Silent J): He's also in Ohio, but not with the boys at the Point.  He's with his family, but has to spend the next home series trying to the get stink of Ohio out of his chin strap.

Danny Worth: Playing AAA tonight, but still contemplating whether to unpack his suitcase this time.  Seems like every time he does, he just has to repack again.

Tigerberry: Same as Worth, contemplating the suitcase.   Decides to not unpack yet and tempt fate.  Also spends most of the day applying moisturizer and Icy Hot to his hands.

BBoesch: Tries to surf in Lake St. Clair...again.  After an unsuccessful day, he cuddles up with his TiVo and watches all the Shark Week specials he's been saving from the week.

Dirty Dirks: HAIR CUT!!!!  Probably wishful thinking on my part.

AJacks: Still in a glow from his visit home from Texas, he visits a local 4H club to practice his dressage on his favorite horse, Cinnamon.  After that, he tries barrel racing and calf roping.  He then issues a challenge to Suckburn that if he makes it back to the Tigs, they are having a full blown "country boy" contest.

Delmon: Best guess: Court (or MLB) appointed therapy and community service.

Tigress: Living the Dream for one more solid week before the summer is officially over.  Although, I could probably make the drive to Sandusky...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

100 Ribbies

Congratulations to Miguel Cabrera for getting his 100th (and 101st) RBI last night.  It's also the quickest he's gotten to the milestone in only 117 games.  So, to honor the big man, here's an Ode to Miggy.

A man so sweet goes by many names
Miggy, Cabby, the Big Man.
He is definitely a favorite
with many a Tiger fan.

His smile is big
His handshakes are fly
He got arrested in Florida
Hey, he's just that kinda guy!

100 runs batted in
is not an easy task.
Jimmy Smokes must have helped
and took away his flask.

So congrats Miggy
don't shed any tearies.
Now let's finish this season
and make it to the World Series!

 One more plea.  I heard that Rod used the nickname "Dougie Fresh" last night, which we all know I've used since February.  Ipso facto, Rod Allen reads the blog (probably not but don't burst my bubble).  So Rod, help me spread the movement.  I'll even speak to you in Allenese, "Dirty Dirks needs a new fade.  He's looking a little raggedy."  It's even coming out of the back of his helmet.  *Shudder*

Sunday, August 12, 2012


AJacks is from Texas.  I bet he has a cowboy hat and everything.  In honor of him being in his home state, he hit an inside the park home run on Friday. 

A rarity for sure, but usually made easier with a little help from a friend (or more than one friend in the case of Miggy earlier this year).  AJack's new BFF?  Nelson Cruz.  Thanks for the memories, buddy.
Last day in Texas, I bet AJacks took everyone to a barbeque last night after the game.  Little line dancing, little honky tonk, I bet he even swung a lasso.  Too much?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Comerica experience

60-50.  Ten games above .500.  That's exactly where the Tigers need to be at this point in the season.  6 wins in a row is pretty tasty too. 

One of the best things about this blog (besides the humor) are the features.  Here's a feature we haven't seen in a while...

COME ON!  If you remember, this is when a Tiger "fan", usually they are more spectator than true fan, does something ridiculous that bares repeating.  For today's COME ON!  I present the following scenario:

I'm in Hockeytown enjoying a beverage before Monday's game.  Tigers are set to play the Yankees and I'm soon in possession of the sweetest pants known to modern-day man.
My legs have never looked so good
I look over at a table of Tiger "fans" and see that one is wearing a Tigers Granderson jersey.  Now, I love Curtis.  He's a good player and an even better individual.  In fact, I still have my Granderson shirt.  HOWEVER, I would never wear said shirt to a game the Tigers were playing against the Yankees!  COME ON!  Then, he heads to the bar with his buddy and we catch the back of the other man's shirt.  WILLIS!  That's right, Mr. Dontrelle Willis himself, or Epic Meltdown, as he's known in the sports world.  Now, wearing a past player shirt is fine as long as he was beloved and did something for the ball club.  Willis doesn't fit in that category.  Here are some others not to wear:
Gary Sheffield, Troy Percival, Joel Zumaya, Hideo Nomo, Randall Simon, feel free to add your own.

So to the men in the picture below, COME ON!
Now, on to a new feature, we'll call it the Comerica Experience.  These are things you only get to experience at the park and make the game that much more fun to watch.  Today's Comerica Experience is slapping hands with random strangers around you.  At home, when Miggy hits a game-winning home run or Verlander strikes out Ichiro three times, there's no one to high five except your cat (consequently, Mags is great at slapping hands).  At the stadium, there are more than enough people to slap hands with.  You also don't need to know someone to give a high five.  In fact, if the Tigers are doing really well and you are extra awesome, you may even leave the game with a few extra friends.  Here's our "friend" at the last game.  He was sitting next to a dude who told us he remembered Zubaz pants from when he was "this" little (holds up index finger and thumb).  Friend Tigress almost hit that dude's face, not just his hand.
This Tigress also mistakenly identified this Anderson as Matt.  News flash: It's Sparky.  I wasn't in peak form.  But now I want a Matt Anderson shirt.
So next time you go to the ballpark, make some new friends.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


No other word for the win today.  Epic.  Epic win.

As mentioned in a previous post (you know you read them all, twice), the Olympics have taken a lot of my attention.  Today I tried to be diplomatic about my sports viewing and was switching between volleyball and Tigers baseball.  After watching the dismal display of hitting by Tigerberry with the additional defense infield, I switched back to see that the Indians had hit back to back home runs off Mr. In Grown Hair himself.  I was about ready to devote myself to beach volleyball viewing indefinitely after seeing two outs in the tenth when I commented to the Future Mr. Tigress that the Tigers had lost.  I flipped back to see the final score just as Omar Baby was poking a single over the shortstop's head.  Yelling ensued!  Cabrera's hit produced more yelling...EPIC!

So, with a sweep (finally!) over the tough Indians, I head to D-Town tomorrow for the game.  Tigers versus Yankees, Verlander versus Nova, ESPN Monday Night Football Baseball (oops my bad), and Zubaz pants.  Remember?  From the best giveaways from the year post?  Man, your memory is really going.  You need to increase your vitamin intake, I heard B12 does wonders.
If I wasn't going to the game, I would be conflicted about what to watch, Olympics or Tigers.  Here's my suggestions for all you unlucky people who don't get a brand new pair of fly pants.  Drag up your old TV from your workshop or exercise room and put it next to your flat screen.  That way, you don't miss anything!  I recommend keeping the Tigers on mute if you watch them on ESPN, but Rario will also be on FSN for all you purists.  With Ryan Raburn going on the DL, this weekend doesn't get much better!

Friday, August 3, 2012


America is baseball.  Small town America, at the little league fields on a Saturday morning, moms doing duty in the concession stand, dads coaching (or pretending to coach from the sideline), sisters eating their weight in candy and dodging foul balls (maybe that was just the Tigress).  So it's fitting that the "Mecca" of baseball (the Hall of Fame) in America is located in the quintessential small town of Cooperstown, New York.
There it is.  It's beautiful.

What I love about Cooperstown is that they really try and keep the small town feel.  There are very few hotels within the city limits, with bed and breakfasts ruling the lodging market.  Granted, more have sprouted up even since my first visit some 15+ years ago.  Now there is a little league complex, where teams from across the nation come to play.  I did notice that the complex was on the outside of the city.  Coincidence?  I think not.
Plaques of the inducted players with the original five in the middle: Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Christy Mathewson, Honus Wagner, and Walter Johnson.

If you've never been to Cooperstown, then as Neil Diamond would say, "Pack up the babies, and grab the old ladies" and head to New York.  OK, he didn't say that last part.  I've been there three times now and every time is a new experience.  This time, I moved through the museum faster than I would have liked, but I especially enjoyed the third floor, which contained some of the more obscure and random records.  For example, Josh Hamilton hit four home runs in a game this year.  I'm sure during the broadcast of that game, they pulled up the factoid of who else hit four homers in a game.  That was there.  All of the questions were answered that are usually asked by your annoying friend at the bar.  You know him.  He is always speculating and tossing out trivia questions with no clue what the answer will be (i.e. what's the most perfect games one pitcher has thrown in his career?  However, with the advent of the smart phone, it's pretty easy to shut this guy down.  Why are you friends with this guy again?  Is he the guy that has a pool?).
Doubleday Field, that's where the old Madonna and old Rosie O'Donnell see the old Geena Davis

The best (and by best, I mean the most meaningful) time to go to Cooperstown is induction weekend.  I went in 2001 and saw Kirby Puckett, Dave Winfield, and Bill Mazeroski get inducted.  Basically, you are put in a large field, surrounded by other super fans, and get to watch the greatest moment in the lives of the greatest players.  In this case, the fans were mostly from Minnesota, New York, and Pittsburgh.  If/when Alan Trammell finally gets his time, I'd like to go back, decked out in my Tigers gear, and enjoy the show with the other Tigers and Tigresses of the world.  If you are interested in how emotional it can be, read this article on Maz's speech.  I still get teary just thinking about it.
Comic genius

As if the Baseball Hall of Fame couldn't get any sweeter, they had a constant loop of the famous Abbott and Costello skit "Who's on First?"  Now, if you've never seen this, you are missing out.  I'll let you go find it on YouTube, you won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Olympic fever

When you love a sport that has 162 games every year, I think it's OK to get distracted by a worldwide event that only happens every four years.  Needless to say, Tiger offense needs to come alive.  Toronto and Boston were disappointing series to be sure (Tigers are ahead by 2 as we speak in the finale versus Boston).  We have Cleveland and Yankees coming up, and for some reason this year, the Tigers have difficulty against the Tribe.  I'll send out my good vibrations and do a score check, that's all I can promise until next weekend (except for Monday...more to come later).

The only disappointment of the Olympics is that softball and baseball were removed as events.  I guess I can see the reasoning, very few countries are strong and have national teams, yada yada.  But the reasoning that the International Olympic Committee gave was that these sports are too "American."  Phooey!  The Latin American nations (not to mention Japan) have been producing talented baseball players for quite some time now.  I guess that just makes next spring's World Baseball Classic something to look forward to. 

FYI: Japan has won the previous two World Baseball Classics.  I Googled it to make sure.