Sunday, September 16, 2012

Burden of the Tigress

It's not easy being me.  A lot of responsibility comes with being the Tigress.  Here's two prime examples:

1. I'm quite popular on The Internet.  I have 30 or so regular readers.  Don't act like you aren't impressed.  These people are what I like to call "fans" or "Tigerettes."  Sometimes, Tigerettes come up to me with theories or ideas that they think are revolutionary enough to run past their favorite blogger.  Here's one I heard yesterday. 

The team that wins the World Series is often not the team with the best record, but the team that got the hottest down the stretch.  Thus, the Tigers will either NOT make the playoffs OR win the World Series. No in between.

As far as theories go, it's not bad, although I'd like to see the stats on this, since the end of the season is all about stats.  My response to this theory was that the team that wins the World Series is the team that can stay healthiest down the stretch.  Following either logic, the Tigers still have a good shot at making it to the playoffs.

2.  I often feel the responsibility to express my expertise as a professional fan to those around me that may not be exhibiting the best fan-like habits.  Case in point: Yesterday Anibal Sanchez got through 6 and 2/3 innings with no hits.  An experienced fan knows that talking about a no-no is a no-no (haha, see what I did there?), but to what extent?  Somehow, the Fox broadcasters (including our buddy Mario!) got through 6 innings without whispering a word about it.  However, in my viewing room, Brother-In-Law Tiger made the no hitter reference at the end of the 6th inning.  SOMEBODY (I won't name names because it's rude) called him a naughty name because he was "jinxing the no hitter." 

While I agree that it's best not to talk about it (even though in any Verdiggity game the announcers make a big point when the first hit happens), if someone happens to mention it, that's no reason to name call.  I'm all about the fun atmosphere while viewing sports, no matter the level (that includes you crazy soccer moms and dads).

Good thing about the Tigress though is I've been told I carry the burden with grace.  I'd have to agree.

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