Sunday, September 30, 2012


The Tigress has been under a little stress lately.  Everyone has those periods of their life.  What's not helping, is watching El Diablo (Benoit) and Papa Potato in the 8th and 9th, trying to give up a 6 run lead the Tigers have built.  I felt JV's pain when he walked into the clubhouse.  He was pitching a shut out into the 8th, and an error was the only reason someone got on base!  Suddenly, the game was slipping away before his eyes.  I'd be stressed too.

Someone else feeling stress is Cabby.  All any announcer, especially my good friends at Fox, can do is talk about the Triple Crown. The pressure to perform... soon-to-be Mr. Tiger says Miggy needs to pop a Viagra and get over it.  Miggy has resorted to wearing his eye black all crazy to try and break the tension he is feeling.  In fact, his eye black is similar to Bryce Harper's.  In honor of Bryce Harper, the Tigers have the following headline on their webpage:
"Tigers pad cushion?  Crown question, bro."

Get it?  If not, click here.  Also, if you don't get that, you need to get out more, bro.

So with all the pressure, I was elated to walk into a gin joint just in time to see Miggy send number 43 into the stands.  I immediately started clapping, knowing the implications, knowing the gravity of the situation.  As I was standing there, doing my best Tigerberry impression, I had two dudes at the bar looking at me, baffled. 

So here's my plea to the tens of Tigress blog readers, start dealing with the stress of the postseason push by spreading the excitement.  More people need to jump on the Tigers' bandwagon.  What the world needs now is not love, it's more crazy Tiger fans so I don't look like a goof clapping in a sports bar, or yelling at the TV when El Diablo gives up a grand slam.

Only four games left Tigers and Tigerettes.  Don't get stressed, get pumped.

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